Alright there are some problems that are urking me

NightmareWhisper July 15, 2020 6:23 pm

Im thinking WAY too deeply into this. Why would the Mc move into a place with someone who beat him up everyday? He didnt look like he was forced too nor were they in a relationship. He could have easily said no he didnt want to. What was the friend going to do with the Mcs mom right there? Beat the Mc up? Sure the Mc was afraid of him but thats all the more reason to say NO. Especially with someone else there. And Sure the Mc didnt tell his mom he was getting beaten up cuz he may have been embarrassed or whatever but still it dont make no sense. And with him leaving too the bestfriend had pictures of the Mc having sex? If the bestfriend exposed/ leaked the pictures The Mc is covered in fucking bruises and shit he could easily expose the bestfriend too. Ruined the damn bestfriends life and put his ass in jail. At the end of the day I know the author needs us to hate the guy so they made him abusive plus the vampire and the mc needed to get together and whatnot. I just feel like this could have been easily avoided.

    chrisxx July 15, 2020 7:12 pm

    well he was blackmailed and i think back then his personality was not daring enough to report him or whatever. and probably along the way he hoped that sungah would go back the way he was before and dude this is korea we're talking about here. they're more towards the close minded side. and even if he did report them, sungah had a very good reputation and is quite smart in manipulating people while our mc was what? only his close friend and had a weak personality. he was only able to get to this point to ask someone to kill sungah because he was pushed onto the edge and he was "hypnotized" by the vampire hottie daddy to tell him and that's where he got the confidence. sigh.. so yea as sad as it is, they would probably believe sungah more and sungah would also twist words and push the blame all onto our mc. and this was rlly obvious that sungah was capable to do all that to me as a reader, moreover our mc, who was brutally tortured by his guy. he's got to have the psychological fear towards him.