For some, cheating isn't done with the parts between our legs - rather it is done in a much deeper place. The heart and soul. For those people, sex is not an expression of love unless it is done with the one they love. It is simply a release of pent up urges. Or a job. There is no "love" in the act and all parties involved know that fact. (Imagine the lives of AV actors.)

To Mameha :
Porn actors is one thing (very marginal), love is another thing... I think common people will just find it weird and disguting to cheat on your lover like that.
And if people don't prove their love by remaining faithful towards the one they love whatever happens, then HOW can they prove their feelings ? It's not enoug to just say "I love you in my heart" to convince a person about your love.
What about values ? Or at least the risks of bringing STD to your partner by fucking around like that with everybody ?

Your first sentence disturbs me. Are you claiming that people in the AV/AE industry do not love? They have lovers, partners, husbands and wives just like "common" (to use your term) people do. They just don't see monogamy as a necessity in their relationships. They do, however, put a high value on fidelity. Fidelity is remaining true and loyal to another no matter what. Monogamy is having sex with one partner only. Fidelity does not equate to monogamy. Is a husband "cheating" if he loves another woman even if he's never had sex with her? The husband is physically intimate with his wife but doesn't love her; he is emotionally intimate with another woman, but has not had sex with her. This is the difference between fidelity and monogamy. The husband is monogamous but not faithful. Only humans wield monogamy as a tool. It is a social value to control ownership of property like land; money and titles. It serves no other purpose.
As for STDs - it's not like you go "bareback" just because you have multiple sex partners. In fact, people who have open relationships tend to be MORE conscientious and careful about safe sex than your average husband "cheating" on his wife.

you are a disgusting human being. only a piece of trash thinks like this, like you

Cheating is not just about heart and soul.. it involves either and both body and soul..
"Is a husband "cheating" if he loves another woman even if he's never had sex with her?"--- yes he is..
"Is a husband "cheating" if he has sex with another woman even if he's never loved her?--- yes, he is..
Monogamy and Fidelity isn't the same thing but it definitely doesn't equate to polygamy either.. if you wanna have a bundle of sex partners do so if you all have consent in that sex relationship, but don't call it love,, you don't love so many ppl as your ultimate soulmate, you don't love all your sex parners.. and it's what differentiate love and sex.. sex is an expression of love bcz you wanna have sex with the person you love, but it can also occur in a loveless relationship when you don't care much about love and only want a release..
So the main topic- cheating..you call cheating when you're having sex with other ppl, having one night stands except you are in an open relationship, in a polygamous one (even there your partners likely know each others and have consent), you're just sex buddies.. it's also called cheating when you claim to be someone's soulmate (and/or marry them) and have sex with them yet love someone else other than them..
"Cheating is done with the parts between our legs - and it is done in a much deeper place as well. The heart and soul."
Ok, this would have been good if the uke didn't turn out to be an unfaithful lover. Like, seriously. Right after "playing the part" of the lover to the drug lord, you reunite and you're together. But then you still pick up hitch hikers and have sex with them for no other reason other than the fact that your lover isn't around? I kept telling myself, HOPING that he was doing all that for a case (and imagine how I've reduced myself to thinking that, when I wouldn't normally tolerate cheating of any kind of form in my stories), but it turned out he was doing just because and he felt no qualms whatsoever! Even worse was the fact that Haru didn't have a problem with it. AT ALL. And then when he opens the door and finds that little brat masturbating to Kiichi, he gets angry? Really?? Nope, nuh-uh not buying it!!