That's not a no. A no would be "I didn't like him then and i don't like him now" She always answers questions with another question. Even when she was in bed with the other girl, the sub asked a question and hyesol answered with another question so she didn't have to answer. She gives "answers" that she feels will placate the subs without her having to give away any real information. Telling him she doesn't give her heart away was maybe the first real sign i've seen of her taking an actual stance. But even then something about her whole being just rubs me in the wrong way .

I'm not a big fan of how the author portrays dominants, especially the female dominant. I Think the author confuses the idea of being dominant with being rude, inconsiderate and selfish.....AAAnd I also don't like the fact that the author doesn't talk about aftercare when they "play" which is a huge thing with in BDSM.... In other words the writing is not my favourite
I dunno why this girl can never just give anyone a straight answer. "I didn't like him back then so why would i now?" uuuh ok so is that a yes or no?? That's a non-answer. I think that she does this so that in the future if people tell her that she said something that mislead them, she can just talk about bull like this and say that she never gave a definite answer so any thinking that they did is basically their own fault. Basically " I never said Yes or No so any conclusions you came to are your own problems' Prime toxic behavior.