
MakiaSnipe July 14, 2020 1:30 pm

As an African American, I ofc disagree with slavery in general. And especially since the slaves in this story are dark skinned, it gives a more disturbing vibe bc of the past in our real world... but ive never read a BL like this before, so I’ll keep reading. Although, if the spinels don’t eventually go free, ima be hella pissed :)

    Alice July 20, 2020 3:36 pm

    They will get Freedom and all of them will find love! :) At least based on the raws so far... The story is on going.

    IamJustaStranger July 20, 2020 6:43 pm

    I understand what you mean. BUT you do know this story came out in 2019 right ?

    pigglypoof July 20, 2020 8:47 pm
    I understand what you mean. BUT you do know this story came out in 2019 right ? IamJustaStranger

    The way people felt about slavery wasn't different in 2019

    IamJustaStranger July 20, 2020 9:00 pm
    The way people felt about slavery wasn't different in 2019 pigglypoof

    That's not what I meant. Some persons at the moment have the misconception that this story was released in 2020 and is tied to the BLM movement presently when it isnt at all . This is due to their being and English translation in 2020 .Their are many stories with similar themes but no one felt the need to say anything about a yaoi story but recently they do beacuse like I said they think the author wrote it recently beacuse of recent events .

    pigglypoof July 20, 2020 10:33 pm
    That's not what I meant. Some persons at the moment have the misconception that this story was released in 2020 and is tied to the BLM movement presently when it isnt at all . This is due to their being an... IamJustaStranger

    Then respond to those people. This person didn't even mention BLM.

    IamJustaStranger July 20, 2020 10:37 pm
    Then respond to those people. This person didn't even mention BLM. pigglypoof

    Oh crap I now realized you were not the person who wrote this post sorry my bad .if I knew I would of never replied to you when you replied to me .

    IamJustaStranger July 20, 2020 10:38 pm
    Then respond to those people. This person didn't even mention BLM. pigglypoof

    I try to avoid replying to people like you