ch 25 summary

betabetabeta July 14, 2020 1:24 pm

Σ(っ°Д °;)っ ch 24 continuation!!!! /SCREAMS
also might contain mistakes - I’ll come back and edit later
I’m still half asleep so don’t want to rough TL more than basic stuff rn but the sex scene continues where it left off in ch 24!! taeseung starts getting rough bc he’s so turned on but when sooyoung (I’m switching my name spelling to how lezhin eng has it!) says it hurts, taeseung flashes back to the time sooyoung fainted after having sex so he does stop this time and then they go wash up (but sooyoung looks like he regrets telling taeseung that it hurts bc taeseung stopped lmaooo) AND THEN after we get bed time cuddles and more hilarious banter ╥﹏╥

taeseung has a dream about a high schooler beating him up who looks awfully similar to sooyoung altho his face is obscured - I think this might be a flashback(?) although taeseung himself doesn’t realize that...

and then we get taeseung waking up and sooyoung’s already ready to go to work and more hilarious banter! chapter ends with taeseung asking what sooyoung is doing today and sooyoung blushing.

    Guilty_Pleasure July 14, 2020 2:43 pm

    Thank you.... I died after reading the latest chapter....

    Zenitsu July 14, 2020 5:45 pm

    I died omfg pls give example of the adorable banter going on please i blush reading it lol
    Also theres so many bruises on sooyoung body. Was this because of the rough sex? Omg i love them so much

    betabetabeta July 14, 2020 11:18 pm

    I might upload a rough dialogue TL in pastebin or something for ch.24-25 if I have time tonight!! these 2 chapters were ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ for me

    betabetabeta July 15, 2020 4:00 am
    I died omfg pls give example of the adorable banter going on please i blush reading it lolAlso theres so many bruises on sooyoung body. Was this because of the rough sex? Omg i love them so much Zenitsu

    sure!! an example from this chapter would be after taeseung stops as soon as sooyoung says its hurt and they're both spooning in bed:

    TS: is saying "stop, stop" like that and then fainting the kind of sex you like? you look regretful.
    SY: i look like this because the bed is so narrow, i'm suffocating. why exactly are you sleeping here?
    TS: then i'll do this. (puts his arms around sooyoung)
    SY: ack.

    and then the other part that i found cute was right after taeseung wakes up:

    TS: ...i slept comfortably last night. looks like i slept well because you were in my arms. is it because you ooze that stuff? was it called pheromones?
    SY: don't say bullshit as soon as you wake up. just drink this.
    TS: how can you only serve water to your guests. you don't have coffee?
    SY: now you're talking about coffee, next you'll want me to make you somethi-...
    TS: *laughs*
    SY: what's so funny?!

    for the bruises, i think they were more like hickies!! so yup i think it was bc of the sex (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Zenitsu July 15, 2020 4:05 am


    AAAAAAHHHHH I CANNOT IM MELTING AWAY Why were they this cute. Taeseung is actually a huge flirt please im in love

    Zenitsu July 15, 2020 4:06 am

    Also YASSS HICKIES! my goodness its everywhere on sooyoung body

    Zenitsu July 15, 2020 4:08 am

    Ahhh i wanna ask your permission to post your summary on my social media. I will credit to you. Is that ok?

    betabetabeta July 15, 2020 4:09 am
    HAJAAQAALQQLANSBAJAKAALAAAAAAHHHHH I CANNOT IM MELTING AWAY Why were they this cute. Taeseung is actually a huge flirt please im in love Zenitsu

    he is!!!!! and he's been ultra flirting these past 2 chapters it's really making me so weak.... i didn't have enough time today to roughly TL all the dialogue from ch24-25 but i hope i can do it tomorrow bc taeseung is truly something else when it comes to the dirty talk and flirting, the man is insanely charming when he wants to be

    betabetabeta July 15, 2020 4:14 am

    don't want to edit my post bc the comments will disappear BUT one thing i noticed in this chapter upon reread
    about the dream that taeseung has...which im 98% sure is actually a flashback lol: the guy who looks extremely similar to sooyoung (i think we can assume it's sooyoung but can't be 100% sure bc the face is obscured) AND taeseung are both wearing the same high school uniform. i didn't catch it at first because taeseung isn't wearing the uniform tie but everything else looks the same. so that means they probably went to high school together!

    anyways this matches up with their canon ages (TS is only 3 years older SY) and now we're finally getting information on why taeseung felt like he recognized sooyoung the first time they met.

    Zenitsu July 15, 2020 4:27 am
    he is!!!!! and he's been ultra flirting these past 2 chapters it's really making me so weak.... i didn't have enough time today to roughly TL all the dialogue from ch24-25 but i hope i can do it tomorrow bc tae... betabetabeta

    At the beginning of the story, TS was presented as a violent mafia boss but with a hint of softness especially when it comes to SY. He was being ultra protective and theres no really solid reason in the beginning of the stoey. But starting from the moment we saw him sending off SY home (before the ex rough SY up :( ) i have a feeling it was more than just physical attraction i thought it was. And he really have deep feelings toward SY.

    I love how a huge flirt this man is. Its also natural im crying. Why is he so attractive. TS is hot af as he is but now that we know of his personality (a huge insufferable flirt at that), i find him even more attractive. Pls help meeeee i really love this dude

    now that u mention about their possible high school past, it makes so much sense. SY was his hoobae bro im crying because i had this theory before and its literally a canon if its true. This is also the reason probably why TS respect SY so much and also as to why he was being a protective mama bear because SY probably his high school crush!
    I cant believe its going the sunbae - hoobae root and its so fucking cute aaaaaaaaaa

    betabetabeta July 15, 2020 5:17 am
    At the beginning of the story, TS was presented as a violent mafia boss but with a hint of softness especially when it comes to SY. He was being ultra protective and theres no really solid reason in the beginni... Zenitsu

    yesssss to everything about taeseung!! he's so so attractive plus the gap between how he is with others and how he is with sooyoung is hilarious and charming at the same time.

    and i had a similar theory, especially after taeseung said around ch3/4 that he recognized sooyoung from somewhere!! the thing i messed up was their ages bc i thought they met when they were younger but it seems like high school sunbae/hoobae is canon which is exciting (≧∀≦)

    Guilty_Pleasure July 15, 2020 7:22 am
    I might upload a rough dialogue TL in pastebin or something for ch.24-25 if I have time tonight!! these 2 chapters were ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ for me betabetabeta

    Yes plz....