Those who were curious about a certain author disappearing from AO3 might want to take ano...

Miyanoai September 26, 2014 1:44 am

Those who were curious about a certain author disappearing from AO3 might want to take another look on the VF page. XD (just don't say their name).

    tokidoki September 26, 2014 2:38 am

    I don't know if she is that worried about people saying her name, she pm'd me saying that she changed her name because her friends may have discovered her writings ... but I won't mention her name here either ... just in case. *winks* By the way, a certain fic that many wondered about has been reposted.

    Miyanoai September 26, 2014 3:57 am
    I don't know if she is that worried about people saying her name, she pm'd me saying that she changed her name because her friends may have discovered her writings ... but I won't mention her name here either .... tokidoki

    She wrote in an author's in that repost, requesting people not to say her former name, hence why I said that. I don't if it would have to apply here, but just in case. ;)

    tokidoki September 26, 2014 4:46 am
    She wrote in an author's in that repost, requesting people not to say her former name, hence why I said that. I don't if it would have to apply here, but just in case. ;) Miyanoai

    Ah, I did not see that, but I am keeping mum anyway - it's not my place to blurt out her name - or her new one for that matter =^*^=

    Anonymous September 26, 2014 10:18 am

    People like lita444 are such fucking drama queens I don't even know why she bothered to change her name when she still kept the 'lita' part, its so obvious that its her. She's a very whiny, very average writer who is an attention seeker. how many writers have we seen delete all their fics and then suddenly appear with a brand new name but the exact same fics. Whats the point? why disappear in the first place? all you guys who look to these people as some kind of messiah fic writers, GET YOUR BRAINS CHECKED. They aren't doing this for anyone but themselves, they're selfish and eat your praise to feed their greedy egos. They churn out halfassed fics on a daily basis because all they want is more ego feed. I'm done with these stupid attention seeking bitches

    Anonymous September 26, 2014 10:47 am
    People like lita444 are such fucking drama queens I don't even know why she bothered to change her name when she still kept the 'lita' part, its so obvious that its her. She's a very whiny, very average writer ... @Anonymous

    Couldn't agree more.

    Anonymous September 26, 2014 10:47 am
    People like lita444 are such fucking drama queens I don't even know why she bothered to change her name when she still kept the 'lita' part, its so obvious that its her. She's a very whiny, very average writer ... @Anonymous

    And if she's so intent on keeping a low profile then why post the same things? I just don't understand.

    Sophia September 26, 2014 11:08 am
    And if she's so intent on keeping a low profile then why post the same things? I just don't understand. @Anonymous

    MTE. She's not doing a very good job of it!

    Honest Abe September 26, 2014 11:34 am

    Why even mention her at all, or allude to her? That's a way to start controversy, and while that wasn’t in your true intention, i'm sure, next time refrain from doing so.
    However, I do agree to some extent to what others said. Who is she supposed to be, some epic hero who “dies” and suddenly comes back with some new name? Some Shakespeare character? Way to make it all about herself, way to make the fandom all about herself.
    Anyone can easily dissect “lita” from “Amelita”. She wanted attention, and she got it. I think it's ridiculous what she did, and I hate to say it, frankly, “attention-whorish”, she just wanted attention. She made all these people worry for no reason...ugh, I hate to rant about people like this, but it makes me so sick what she did.
    I liked her before, but now....:/ Let's just stop mentioning her on mangago all together please. Keep her away from it.

    Honest Abe September 26, 2014 11:39 am

    I mean...I'm not even trying to be mean, but that's just what it seems like.

    AKI September 26, 2014 11:50 am
    Why even mention her at all, or allude to her? That's a way to start controversy, and while that wasn’t in your true intention, i'm sure, next time refrain from doing so. However, I do agree to some extent t... @Honest Abe

    I was very wary of her from the beginning because she plagiarized a ton of other peoples fiction and came out with this "you guys are my influences I just had to take from you I hope its ok!" BS. Then she did this, and yeah, I can't believe what she says anymore. Sad that there are frauds trying to get one over on us in this fandom.

    lisia September 26, 2014 2:03 pm

    shes very spammy, very annoying. dont get the hype. that is all.

    AnonymousOne September 26, 2014 4:55 pm

    Thanks for info! I really enjoyed the mentioned fic's writing style. The author wrote she had been inspired by other authors and that she had been using the plot and/or excerpts and that she had got the permission from mentioned authors. I did not read her other works, don't know what's the fuss about, just enjoyed this one fic and wanted to read it again.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 12:30 am

    Excuse me, this post was for those fans who kept asking where her stories went. If you're going to hate, keep it to yourselves. Honestly when people complain about other people getting attention, it's usually out of jealously, yet most of you just stay anonymous so you must have either very low self-esteem or you know you're assholes and nobody would like you either way.
    As for her situation, it actually makes a lot of sense. Even if she wrote a warning, no one would have seen it by the time she deleted it.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 12:33 am
    Excuse me, this post was for those fans who kept asking where her stories went. If you're going to hate, keep it to yourselves. Honestly when people complain about other people getting attention, it's usually o... Miyanoai

    However, you're one of the ones whose always saying keep fanfiction away from mangago. You can't break your own rules for an author you like. Respect the rules you try to enforce, or else, say nothing at all.

    Aya September 27, 2014 12:55 am
    However, you're one of the ones whose always saying keep fanfiction away from mangago. You can't break your own rules for an author you like. Respect the rules you try to enforce, or else, say nothing at all. @Anonymous

    I can't agree more. These heroic little princesses are such hypocrites. Not saying I'm not one, but trying to be justice and sweet on the surface while inside they're just like haters.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 1:09 am
    I can't agree more. These heroic little princesses are such hypocrites. Not saying I'm not one, but trying to be justice and sweet on the surface while inside they're just like haters. @Aya

    Yeah, I really hate to say it, but it's true. You can't enforce rules, but break them for someone you like. That's stupid and selfish. It's not right nor is it just. Again, even if Lita is your fave, for the sake of the VF community on mangago, don't mention her again.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 1:49 am
    However, you're one of the ones whose always saying keep fanfiction away from mangago. You can't break your own rules for an author you like. Respect the rules you try to enforce, or else, say nothing at all. @Anonymous

    Actually I only said it once, and that was to stop the bashing of certain authors works. Recommendations and praises were never the problem, though I see now that this site can turn anything into hate. Nevertheless I'm surprised someone actually payed attention to that, though whether you're being sarcastic or not is beyond me. Honestly, I didn't think it would bring up such an issue seeing as how there seemed to be so many fans of her here, so I apologize for that and I won't bring it up again.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 1:54 am
    I can't agree more. These heroic little princesses are such hypocrites. Not saying I'm not one, but trying to be justice and sweet on the surface while inside they're just like haters. @Aya

    On the contrary, I could be quite a bitch if writing things down didn't give me time to actually think about what the effects of my words would be. I'm not pretending to be sweet, I'm just realistic, and I can make mistakes too. Though I don't understand how I'm a hater in this situation.

    Anonymous September 27, 2014 2:01 am
    On the contrary, I could be quite a bitch if writing things down didn't give me time to actually think about what the effects of my words would be. I'm not pretending to be sweet, I'm just realistic, and I can ... Miyanoai

    You're not a hater, just a hypocrite.

    Miyanoai September 27, 2014 2:07 am
    Yeah, I really hate to say it, but it's true. You can't enforce rules, but break them for someone you like. That's stupid and selfish. It's not right nor is it just. Again, even if Lita is your fave, for the sa... @Anonymous

    She's actually not my favorite. As I mentioned there seemed to be a lot of fans here, but that was clearly a misjudgment so I won't mention it again.

    That being said, it's ironic how my "rules" (which could have been nothing more than mature suggestions due to the fact that I don't actually have any admin authority here) are supposedly being taken seriously now.