everyone who thinks this is inferior to wolf in the house can eat my pants, this is litera...

_eneko_ July 14, 2020 12:29 am

everyone who thinks this is inferior to wolf in the house can eat my pants, this is literal perfection

    Teeth July 15, 2020 7:51 am

    i, too, would like to donate my pants for this cause. momentum is a masterpiece that doesn't pale in comparison to wolf in the house.

    this feels like it was written for a more specific audience and the creator's art style + subdued story pacing works better in these type of short but poignant plots

    Sai2216 July 20, 2020 1:27 am

    Both maybe from the same author but the feel is just different, but I do agree that IMO Momentum is better that Wolf in the House. This manga just gave me the feels and the tears, that Im honestly scared to re-read it and just remembering how it went still stings my eyes. IDK, i guess I still want to keep the initial feel of it when I read it the first time.