Here it is. although i find the Villians savior little boring compare to this one. I like this one better

i think the following one can be compare to this, hovewer, its translation is bit lacking. i am reading the novel of it and i quite liked it.

Absolutely. In villains savior the MC is a total doormat that’s also terrible at communication and who loves the Ml no matter what he does. and of course everything the ML does Has worked out for him, like being batshit crazy hasn’t had any negative impact on his life. While the dysfunction is there in villains savior, it is very romanticized.
In contrast, the MC has her own agenda for entering the terrible relationship she is in, and is not blind to the ML’s many flaws. Rather, she has a very admirable ability to remain stoic to his dysfunction. Rather than throwing a pity party over her terrible family and terrible choice to marry this guy, she accepts what she can’t change, chooses what she considers to be the lesser of two evils, and then attempts to embrace and make the best of the life she has chosen. Truely an icon of resilience.
The ML is twisted, but unlike other shoujo/transmigration stories he is shown to be SELF DESTRUCTIVE IN EVERY WAY. He is physically damaging himself through his abuse of drugs and alcohol, ruining his own relationships and the lives of people around him, and despite the power his position as the bastard of a king provides him, he commands respect from basically no one, and is unable to actually do the work required to manage his house. His whole life is a Self destructive pity party where he makes poor decisions because he’s frustrated with his life , those decisions make him more miserable, and he reacts to that misery by lashing out with even more self destructive choices. This is the opposite of romanticizing dysfunction where a dude can do whatever bullshit the author chooses and it’ll all still work out for them because despite their life choices and trauma, the emperorduke of shoujostoryland is always able to be competant respected/feared and handsome to the point that his beauty and ferocity is all any exteras ever talk about.

Wow.. I just love love loved your perspective on this. I couldnt agree more.As you said the ML lead knew what she is getting into and she was just gambling between the lesser of two evils. This was the better choce than going to the other kingdom and be with the king she doesnt love. At least she is able to be her family and loved ones. I like her character here, she is straightforward, she didnt lie to him and give him a choice somewhat. She is being faithful and a good wife considering his relationship in the past and the present. Of course MLs feeling is changing and that makes him more miserable and making himmake. ore mistakes. I am trully looking forward tomsee how the story progress. i wish there was a novel i could read. Thanks for the comment i am glad we are on the same page.
If you enjoy this and the more realistic portrayals of troubled relationships I recommend 'The Villain's Saviour.'