It might as well be a Kou/Mikuni ending since Kou himself admitted he still loved Mikuni and was only going to Ao because Ao needs him (aka pity). So that right there tells you Kou/Ao isn't the real ending. They wont last and in the end he will go back to Mikuni. The mangaka just didn't draw it out. What makes the ending so bad is the mangaka attempts to fluffy it up and make it seem like they will last. They definitely wont since its not a mutual love.
Worst manga ever!
Mikuni is just there, faithful to him, didn't cheat or anything and waited for him.
While that Ao is hiding some puzzles and is so selfish!
Mikuni is way more better than Ao! Justice! I hate Ao, let me kill that idiot!
Mikuni Please Mikuni Mikuni!