It is funny how people take rape as a minor inconvenience when it comes to yaoi mangas. Th...

RogueWolf July 13, 2020 9:47 am

It is funny how people take rape as a minor inconvenience when it comes to yaoi mangas. The uke is the victim of rape with strong ptsds and self image and respect problems and ya all are like 'he should man up, he should learn how to fight it off'. A male being raped is a real thing and by having mindset like you idiots do, you are making situation worse for rape victims. I am not saying the cheating is a right thing to do (as a matter of fact I detest cheating) but could you expect anything different from uke? He was blackmailed, he was scared to lose the man he loves and the only thing he knows is sex. I think his character is really good because he is acting tough and all but in reality he is like a little lost kid who is mourning his lost childhood and innocence. And ya'all are hypocrites, when seme raped him no one said anything. I don't see hate for seme??? Where is it?

    natsuhi November 17, 2020 6:53 pm

    Yes exactly and please the uke did not cheat! For the last time. Y'all call rape cheating? Is that it?

    IndigoAkuma February 20, 2021 8:53 am
    Yes exactly and please the uke did not cheat! For the last time. Y'all call rape cheating? Is that it? natsuhi

    Was it rape? Blackmail is blackmail. But 2 days bro & didn’t say anything & still fucked him? Like I get it. Rape is bad regardless. But I didn’t see it as rape. Was what was happening messed up? A 1000%. My brain hurts now. No I’m not victim blaming.

    natsuhi February 20, 2021 9:12 pm
    Was it rape? Blackmail is blackmail. But 2 days bro & didn’t say anything & still fucked him? Like I get it. Rape is bad regardless. But I didn’t see it as rape. Was what was happening messed up? A ... IndigoAkuma

    Yes it was RAPE.

    What is rape to you?

    IndigoAkuma February 21, 2021 3:58 am

    I’m not looking at it as he should man up. I know about rape & have experienced it myself. I know he was raped in the beginning more than once. I wasn’t talking about it that way. What I was saying was even when scared you should talk to the person/s you love. Even when scared. I was mad that he stayed but didn’t make any moves to be more open. And again, before by afraid to lose someone doesn’t mean your actions are without consequences. The semes in this are fucked up. I never said they weren’t. I didn’t personally overlook any of it. It just annoyed me that instead of saying his feelings he just went with what was happening. His fear of being alone. But he himself doesn’t do anything to make his relationships real relationships. Using sex as a coping mechanism isn’t right. It just makes it much worse. But again this is a fictional story. And yes men can be raped too.

    natsuhi February 21, 2021 5:14 am
    I’m not looking at it as he should man up. I know about rape & have experienced it myself. I know he was raped in the beginning more than once. I wasn’t talking about it that way. What I was saying was ... IndigoAkuma

    That was very courageous of you to let us know and I believe you. It's a terrible and horrific thing.

    Your previous comment made it seem like the uke did not get rape so that made me upset. Yes, men can be raped too which is why I'm very confused why some of the comments are saying that it's cheating when the uke was clearly rape.

    IndigoAkuma February 21, 2021 6:11 am

    My bad for the confusion. I wouldn’t blame everything he did on just him. It just sucked that the uke had a chance to be honest but didn’t. Oh but again, the semes in this were complete trash. I mean yeah the boyfriend “tried” to change & apologize I guess but still. And dude who was blackmailing is the lowest of lowest. His reasoning was simply because he “liked him” but wasn’t acknowledged. Like wtf is that? Also, I never mind about being open about things like that. Being a female that “developed early” is hard. Being female period is hard. But I also know of real life men who were raped by women. So, I get it. Thank you for being honest with me:)

    RogueWolf February 21, 2021 10:30 am
    I’m not looking at it as he should man up. I know about rape & have experienced it myself. I know he was raped in the beginning more than once. I wasn’t talking about it that way. What I was saying was ... IndigoAkuma

    Omgs, I am so sorry to hear that! I hope everything will be alright, and if you need to talk I am here (even tho I am a stranger- sometimes I find that talking to a stranger is easier that to someone you cherish and love). I understand what you are saying, the communication is the base of every relationship. I just think that lot of people jump to conclusions straight away. And my comment was more like my general frustration because people usually don't regard rape as something worrying (in mangas ofc, but that makes me wonder what is their mindset because I see many comments on various mangas like 'yeah he raped him but he is sooo hoot so it doesn't matter).

    RogueWolf February 21, 2021 10:34 am
    My bad for the confusion. I wouldn’t blame everything he did on just him. It just sucked that the uke had a chance to be honest but didn’t. Oh but again, the semes in this were complete trash. I mean yeah t... IndigoAkuma

    Honestly, when I post something I expect and enjoy various opinions. That is the point of discussing things! I forgot the exact story (it's been looong) but I agree with you! I wish that there were no people who have to go throught trauma of being violated! It makes me so mad that someone thinks that they can abuse someone, in any way! Why are some people like that???

    IndigoAkuma February 21, 2021 12:37 pm
    Honestly, when I post something I expect and enjoy various opinions. That is the point of discussing things! I forgot the exact story (it's been looong) but I agree with you! I wish that there were no people wh... RogueWolf

    Thank you for your honesty. And yeah I get that. People think it’s fake so it’s not that bad or something. It’s weird. And I don’t know why people assume abuse is the solution to things. It’s not real if you have to force it. That’s how I feel for relationships. It’s wild. And I’ve read ALOT of crazy BL. It’s a lot. Lmao. But I still like reading it. Also, thank you for your kind words:)