Why i read Yaoi

Kay July 12, 2020 1:54 pm

Recently when asked why I read Yaoi, I said its mostly because I haven't come across many heterosexual romances where I've liked how the female was written/represented in the Manga thats aimed at adults (i like reading serious, psychological, Trauma & Drama). Admittedly this can happen in Yaoi with the Uke as well, but it happens a lot less (or maybe Im subconsciously sexist & okay with seeing a man in a position that Im not okay seeing a woman in — man I hope thats not the case).

Does anyone know any heterosexual romances that show women as realistic humans & not so boring & 2D. Meaning those that don't show the female:
—Being soft & frail & needing protection
—Unable to provide the same level of comedy as the men
—Being led, sexually, by a man (eg.Unable to control self/voice, while man can control).
—Having unrealistically huge boobs, hips & butts, with overly tight clothes.
—Without flaws or realistic problems

Theres gotta be at least a couple out there.
