Does anyone know which manga this is?

Momoland July 12, 2020 12:41 pm

I think it's shounen ai and is only one or two chapters, it's very short. The main characters are a man with a sick wife (is he a farmer? lumberjack? something along those lines) who encounteres a young man (he turns out to be the spirit of a tree), takes him in and they spend a few nights together and fall in love (I think the tree was always watching the man who would often reminisce about his wife illness and life under its shadows) and the man is told that they only way to save his wife is to cut down that tree and use it as medicine, not knowing that the tree loves him nor that the tree is the boy he loves. The moment he cuts it down, the spirit shows up for the last time and quickly embraces the man before disappearing for good, leaving the man crushed after he realized what he has done.
