2nd couple

Nyxmeow July 12, 2020 8:44 am

"How can I make you like me, Senpai? How can I make you yearn for me?"
Pro tip, son: don't rape him with a pen.

Although of course this is the world run by yaoi logic, so apparently raping someone with a pen is, in fact, an effective way to start a relationship with them.
(Don't stick pens in people, kids. Especially pens with sharp plastic bears on the end.)

Edit to add: I would put this in the dubious, murky yaoi category (of course, never to be applied to real life) of "A kinda let B [do something that in any other circumstance would absolutely be rape] or doesn't reeeeally mind him doing it, because A actually likes B [but B doesn't know that, so it doesn't change the nature of B's actions]." Definitely not trying to start an argument over that, just commenting on mind-boggling yaoi logic of what some characters decide is a good idea to do when they like someone!
