
Yumemi September 21, 2014 12:40 am

She better pick mabuchi aka Tanaka

    Yumemi September 21, 2014 12:48 am

    I do like touma but Futaba can't deny her feelings for kou
    This back and forth shit is killing me she needs to stop toying with
    People's emotions Shes in denial about her feelings for kou and she is kind of being
    A bitch I just want her to decide already.This is Annoying

    Bibi September 21, 2014 1:00 am

    @yumemi : Futaba is protecting herself now because each time Kou gave her false hope. He was the first in denial for rejecting her and now he wants Futaba to love him back. I think he has to fight more and to win her heart back

    di luna September 21, 2014 2:31 am
    @yumemi : Futaba is protecting herself now because each time Kou gave her false hope. He was the first in denial for rejecting her and now he wants Futaba to love him back. I think he has to fight more and to w... @Bibi

    this is so difficult for her .. because she waited so long for Kou.. and she tried and tried to be there for him.. and at the end.. he was mean and rude to her... so.. I kind of understand why she is so undecisive.. but her boyfriend know that she was trying to forget Kou.. so he souldn't feel so upset if things don´t work out..

    Yumemi September 29, 2014 6:50 pm
    @yumemi : Futaba is protecting herself now because each time Kou gave her false hope. He was the first in denial for rejecting her and now he wants Futaba to love him back. I think he has to fight more and to w... @Bibi

    @Bibi I agree with you there Kou definitely should fight harder for futaba and yes he should've been more considerable of her feelings so I can kinda see why she would have her defenses up. It just sucks that they have loved each other for so long now and they just are hurting each other with the back and forth crap btwn them. I honestly just want them to be happy already even if its not with each other because it seems like their hearts are just being tossed around in a salad bowl and the more you get tossed the.more confused your gunna get.

    Yumemi September 29, 2014 7:04 pm
    this is so difficult for her .. because she waited so long for Kou.. and she tried and tried to be there for him.. and at the end.. he was mean and rude to her... so.. I kind of understand why she is so undecis... @di luna

    @diluna yes kou was a dick to her but very indenial of his own feelins for her and in a way he kinda felt like he was obligated to be with the other chick that went through what he went through with his mom so in a way he sorta confused himself with obligated feelings and then realized that it wasn't love that it was more of pity as thats when his feelings hit him but as the saying goes "you never know what you have until it's gone" and that's where touma comes in. Now I like him alot and overall he seems like a great guy but as you said touma knows that futaba is trying to forget kou and so even though he shouldn't be mad if things weren't to work out btwn them it still doesnt chamge the fact that he is being used and in the ending someone will be terribly Hurt. LOVE TRIANGLES ARE SO COMPLICATED.