
boarmann July 11, 2020 2:08 am

this comment is about rape so just a trigger warning here :)

ok so this is something i've been holding in for a long time, and its getting to the point where i'm so ashamed of myself for feeling this way. so put it bluntly, i want to be raped. i want someone to force me down against my will, and do whatever they want with me. i know that so many people have been traumatized by rape and how inconsiderate it is for me to want this, but i cant stop. i''m honestly scared to tell anyone, but i'm hating myself so much for wanting it. i know it's technically not rape if i want it, so maybe i just like really forceful guys? either way, i'm kinda freaking out because i know how people have gone through so much suffering and pain, and here i am wanting it to happen to me. someone please tell me if i'm not alone, but also feel free to completely ridicule me because i know i deserve it.

    unchocolatchaud July 11, 2020 2:11 am

    i used to think the same way but after i lost my virginity it turns out i was just horny asf LMAO now i stick to consensual non consensual sex

    nefelibta July 11, 2020 2:18 am

    i personality think that you don't want r@pe it's just your an masochist that likes more rough people-. the definition of it is "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception" and i'm sure you would give consent to your partner. but you just want someone more forceful and rough more than to be taken without your consent
    ( sorry for this bad explanation sksksksks ( ̄∇ ̄") )

    ThatGayChicken July 11, 2020 2:20 am ThatGayChicken

    don’t worry

    mochi July 11, 2020 2:24 am

    I don't think you want to be raped
    you just want it rough

    YesButLikeNo July 11, 2020 2:34 am

    Just like many other comments, I think you simply want a rough and exciting sex, as opposed from actual rape. Like the thrill or public sex or the same sort of feeling as BDSM sex. Where you are 'held against your will' but not really. I doubt you actually want to get raped, but if you are actually sure that you do, you could be a type of machosicst and desires such as this can lead to dangerous things so I suggest getting professional help. Don't feel like you must hate yourself because you clearly have accepted that wanting rape is a bad thing, what you feel/preferences are out of your control, it is how you react to that and what you do that really matters ~ !

    jasper July 11, 2020 2:36 am
    I don't think you want to be raped you just want it rough mochi

    Yeah, lots of SM ppl have a safe word like “I am satisfied with my care” so the M can say stuff like “no” or “stop” so they can feel out of control without being out of control

    LinaBubs July 11, 2020 2:38 am

    There are plenty of people that are into consent non-consent or r_pe play. Just be safe that if you are engaging in this type of scenario that you are not being taken advantage of. I know saying that sounds like the complete opposite of what r_pe play is. But I can assure you, that you don't actually want to be in a situation where you have no control and cannot "back out".

    Minorin July 11, 2020 2:42 am

    In my opinion , this kind of fetish is just like self harming , and I wouldn’t support it the same way I’m against anyone committing self harm . Though it doesn’t mean that I will shame you for it , and you shouldn’t hate yourself for it , in most cases this is just fantasy for many people and when they actually find themselves in that kind of situation the fantasy disappears and they don’t feel the same way about it .
    Are you sure you’ve never been molested or anything like that in your life ? Cause most people with a rape fetish have went through it (not the rapist) or maybe you grew up in an environment where sex is seen negatively and the only way you could have it without feeling guilty is if someone is forcing you , in either case I would recommend to see a psychologist to get it sorted out , or at least trying to learn why you feel this way and leaning to differentiate between fantasy and reality ,cause i would really hate it for you if it escalates any further

    Minorin July 11, 2020 2:51 am
    In my opinion , this kind of fetish is just like self harming , and I wouldn’t support it the same way I’m against anyone committing self harm . Though it doesn’t mean that I will shame you for it , and y... Minorin

    Just wanted to add this , some people mentioned cnc and frankly speaking I’ve heard horrible stories about that, I don’t mean to shame anyone but I wouldn’t recommend it either , a lot of people get hurt by it and end up feeling terrible or find themselves in really dangerous situations , honestly I can understand to any subs feelings but the fact that someone can get off by hurting someone else is ... disturbing

    boarmann July 11, 2020 4:20 am
    In my opinion , this kind of fetish is just like self harming , and I wouldn’t support it the same way I’m against anyone committing self harm . Though it doesn’t mean that I will shame you for it , and y... Minorin

    i've never engaged in anything sexual in my life (im a minor and a lot younger than you probably think) but all these comments make me feel a lot better. i think i probably just like really forceful sex :)

    shehersir July 11, 2020 7:23 am
    i've never engaged in anything sexual in my life (im a minor and a lot younger than you probably think) but all these comments make me feel a lot better. i think i probably just like really forceful sex :) boarmann

    When I was in my early teens and even younger (I have memories of being 6 and wanting to be kidnapped) I also fantasized about being raped but as an adult I realized that I just have a submissive and bondage kink. When you are of age and if you still feel this way look into joining a bdsm community in your area. There are a lot of great people who can help you find a way to explore your kink in a safe way so that you are protected because bdsm can be very dangerous if done the wrong way but it can also be extremely freeing if done correctly and with someone you trust. And I wouldn't consider being submissive or a masochist self harm, just because it is not something you do out of hate for yourself. I would compare it to someone who loves to participate in a dangerous sport, there can be a much greater thrill when more is at risk but you just have to do it very cautiously. Whatever you do, dont try anything unless you are with someone you trust very much and have both discussed what you want to do and what safe word you will use to stop at any point.