
niconii July 11, 2020 12:27 am

Chapter 22. I have a gut feeling the Mr. Jin Seorim used to work far is Professor Gong's older brother, Go Yoo is their sister. On the other hand all his ex's were bitches wtf? They only cared about sex and physical contact? "What's the point of dating then?!" Um to spend time with each other bc you like each other's company and personalities. Dating isn't about physical contact wtf? Weirdos. It's nice to kiss, hold hands or maybe have sex but that legit isn't the point of a relationship.... :|

    niconii July 11, 2020 1:35 am

    Update: Twas wrong. Definitly not his brother but a overly jealous pressed former schoolmate xD.

    Also I wish Seorim would just be honest. I'm sure Professor Gong wouldn't be MAD or hate him. Disappointed, sure, hate and mad, no. There's no need to. Seorim hasn't done anything really. He doesn't want to.