ares needs to get off his high horse if he wants to reconcile

vajavana July 10, 2020 9:43 pm

chapter 65 proves my point in a former comment. ares accepted alicia to be his army advisor because he wants to keep her close, not bc of her skill on weaponry. alicia wants them to be business partners, but ares already saw her as "his" woman. rereading again, i feel like ares was drawn to alicia because she amuses him. her road to faux engagement scheme was an entertainment for him, while it was a matter of survival for alicia.

i hope this turn of events will clear things up for ares and make him see alicia for her worth as a professional, not the princess he happened to had 1 night stand with. maybe in that way their relationship can be more genuine.

on one note lancelot is very considerate to have subtly hinted that ares shouldve paid more attention to alicia instead of ruining his and her reunion by being all intimidating and pressuring.
