Yo, hear me out. (I'm ranting so you don't actually have to hear me out now that I think about it) I see so many novels/manhwas presenting us with a female lead, supposedly strong and set in revenge (after going back in time or reincarnating or whatever ), but in the end, she always ends up with the guy that basically destroyed her life (and caused her death in a way or another) in the first life. (We're often looking for another woman to blame everything on, but forget that the guy was just as much of an a**hole). The male lead always ends up loving the female lead and has no idea what a (excuse my French) d*pshit he could have been/was or in this case *is*. I feel like the male leads are presented in such a way that they never understand the female's grief and pain and all they have to do is be possessive and bam! We all swoon thinking he's the best guy or whatever. However, in this case we have a girl who suffered immensely in both her lives, who basically never knew love (of any kind, romantic, friendly or from a family) and didn't even realise that what she thought was love was actually manipulation and Stockholm syndrome.
A girl who realised she can't take revenge on the people who hurt her, because they're too powerful. In her few attempts at taking revenge she only managed to take down the female who hurt her, but not the male. In turn, she suffered more, and her trauma multiplied.
Unloved, groomed and hated, all she wants to do now is live and be happy (even though she still has severe PTSD), but even the new male lead is basically acting like an envious id*ot most of the time, and doesn't even try to communicate with her. I think what the author is trying to do here is basically force the male lead(s) see how much she suffered because of them, and how they will suffer themselves after realising they caused her whole life to be a ride through h*ll.
Idk, all I want is for the female lead to be happy, but then the males who hurt her will probably think they were the cause of her happiness or some sh*t like that, so what's really the point
I only have one question does author hate the female lead?