I'm feel proud of myself but it's time to ram my opinion in this matter

WolfiezXx July 10, 2020 2:02 pm

I have read this entire manga from the beginning to the end of current chapters within an hour. Just gonna slap myself on the back right quick-
I have never seen so much hatred for someone while reading this. Jesus christ they spoke for me. I applaud the Emperor though because his feelings and regrets are genuine. I do hope Bella gets to live happily and I wouldn't mind her being with the Emperor. To me, I think it was a good choice to make for giving the Emperor another chance because a lot has happened with them and they should understand the their pasts to move forward. I don't think the Emperor is a bad man overall from reading this thus far. I think he's pretty shitty and a dick. But he knows choosing his greed and desires over her was wrong and you guys gotta realize he felt like shit from when he did up till present time. That's something that's gonna haunt him and he knows that. So it was right for Bella to give him a chance and to try to forgive him. I know some of you don't like the Emperor because of what he did and I understand you wouldn't forgive him if it was you in Bella's situation. But that pain and anger was eating away inside of her. She said it herself she left lighter after deciding to give him a chance. So, you guys might not like that she did it but her doing so is allowing her to be happy. It was a wall that she would've faced sooner or later. With Eden, I never really thought it would work out honestly. Like, I enjoy the fact of how he is patient with her in deciding and gentle towards her and sweet. But, he's seeing Bella as a form of revenge towards the Emperor. He genuinely likes her but he doesn't really know anything about Bella to begin with nor understand her. So, I think they'd make a cute couple but I don't think it would last or be that great. I'm just glad Bella is actually giving the Emperor a chance overall and she feels happier than she was before. And yes, I will say I am defending the Emperor. Some of you guys are just saying how is a horrible guy. How he is just terrible for doing so and I honestly agree. But that's in the past. Yes, that hurt Bella and scarred her. Yes, that made even Bella have hatred for him. You guys are only looking at the bad things he has done. You're not looking at what he is trying to become. He was willing to give up his entire nation for Bella. Yes, it would be wrong to do but we know he won't hesitate to do so. He'd sacrifice everything he worked for just for her to give him a chance. He's changing himself and his habits for her. He is really trying and you guys are still looking at the negative in the matter. The past. So, I will continue to defend the Emperor because thus far, ever since finding out she was Bella, he has felt nothing but regret, pain, remorse, all of it. He is already suffering as it is for what he has done. And if Bella, the one who suffered from all of it, can give the Emperor a chance then I think you guys can follow her example and do the same.

    lana July 10, 2020 7:48 pm

    If you ever face such a situation that Bella faced, even moderately, by the hands of your most trusted and beloved person, could you even ever give him or her a chance? If someone sells you because they can not deal with you and your feelings, and you are being tortured, humiliated, abused and as a result ultimately becoming handicapped, over the years, again and again, do you truly believed you are capable of forgiving the person who is the root cause for you to go through that 'PURGATORY', instead of achieving your closure only and only through the utter destruction and complete devastation of that BELOVED of yours ? If you think, know and believe you are, then both my sincerest CONGRATULATION & CONDOLENCE for you and your dignity as a human being !!!!

    Lotua July 11, 2020 12:13 am
    If you ever face such a situation that Bella faced, even moderately, by the hands of your most trusted and beloved person, could you even ever give him or her a chance? If someone sells you because they can not... lana

    Preach (︶︿︶)

    Lotua July 11, 2020 12:30 am

    Oops, sorry. Meant to down vote

    WolfiezXx July 11, 2020 7:43 am
    If you ever face such a situation that Bella faced, even moderately, by the hands of your most trusted and beloved person, could you even ever give him or her a chance? If someone sells you because they can not... lana

    If I was in Bella's situation, I would struggle just as much as Bella is and even more. Just like every race, every main lead character in any manga, film, show whatever. And just like us, no matter your zodiac, no matter your feelings. We're all still human first and foremost. Keeping onto your past and pains will have a heavy toll on your body. In order to move forward, you must forgive your past. Instead of clinging onto the pain, use it as a foundation for you to grow. I didn't live with my mother for half my life. I've already went through the pains and struggles of being abused, neglected, unwanted. Yet, I forgave those people for doing it. I look back at my past and thank it for without that past, I wouldn't be as strong as I am nor would I be as happy. It's hard to forgive just as hard as it is for people to change. But forgiving helps us move forward in life. And yes, people can change. Bella is a smart young lady. Giving someone a chance to show they've changed and how much they're changed lets you determine whether or not they're a good person now compared to then. So, I can say with confidence that no matter how painful it was for me or how dreadful it was, if I was Bella, I'd more than likely do exactly what she did. Because I would give the other a chance when I'm ready to. Not when it's needed or wanted. That's what Bella did and I applaud her for it. Her doing that shows us as readers that she is willing to let go of her pains and move on instead of holding onto it and ruining her.

    lana July 11, 2020 4:30 pm
    If I was in Bella's situation, I would struggle just as much as Bella is and even more. Just like every race, every main lead character in any manga, film, show whatever. And just like us, no matter your zodiac... WolfiezXx

    Well that's your opinion and I really applaud you for it. But MOVING ON does not mean FORGIVING OR GIVING THE CULPRITS A CHANCE TO REDEEM THEMSELVES. Do you know why, cause THE PAIN MATTERS, THE WOUNDS MATTERS, THE DIGNITY, PRIDE & HONOUR AS A HUMAN BEING MATTERS !!!!! THE INNOCENCE MATTERS,THE LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP MATTERS, the COMPANIONSHIP & FEELING OF ONENESS WITH HER FRIENDS, DREAMS, HOPES, DESIRES and most of all THE INTEGRITY & RIGHT of every human life MATTERS. Being helpless and compelled to forgive or letting go defies and destroys the very notion of FORGIVENESS. do you truly believe if KARIS was not a Emperor rather a mere COMMONER, someone she can OVERPOWER EASILY, she truly could have forgive him !!!!! And ABOVE ALL, A BETRAYER IS ALWAYS AND FOREVER A BETRAYER !!!!!!!!!! AND as for PENANCE, HE COULD NOT EVEN GO THROUGH the supposedly SELF-IMPOSED PURGATORY THAN A MERE FEW DAYS which BELLA has to grow through FOR YEARS !!!!! Forgiving is Good, When you cannot DEMAND JUSTICE for yourself or helpless to execute the PUNISHMENT THEY DESERVE, but ACCEPTING them back in your life, means you are DEGRADING YOUR OWN PAIN, WOUNDS, AGONY and ultimately YOUR OWN SELF. For me, MOVING ON means STAND ON YOUR OWN FEET, FIND THE MEANING OF YOUR LIFE OR THE BEST WAY TO LIVE IT and the KEEP ON MOVING FORWARD WITHOUT LOOKING BACK. A person learns from his/her past to never ever repeat the SAME MISTAKE TWICE. Convicts are nothing but FAILURE OF HUMAN BEING, SOMETHING TO BE DISCARDED AT ALL COST, FOR ONE'S OWN BETTERMENT, PROSPERITY & PEACE OF MIND. Most of all ONE DESERVES BETTER THAN TRASH, AND THAT'S IT FOR ME !!!!!!!

    WolfiezXx July 12, 2020 6:14 am
    Well that's your opinion and I really applaud you for it. But MOVING ON does not mean FORGIVING OR GIVING THE CULPRITS A CHANCE TO REDEEM THEMSELVES. Do you know why, cause THE PAIN MATTERS, THE WOUNDS MATTERS,... lana

    Wow, someone got mad. I never said they didn't matter. I said to use the pain as a foundation for you to grow. You can never forget the pains that others inflict on you and ruin you. But why hold on to those pains from the past and let it eat at your very being because you don't have the capacity nor desire to let it go and flow through you like water. Pain and suffering makes us stronger as people. It's a lesson continuously taught in life because it continuously needed to be used as a reminder as well. If you hold onto something, it becomes harder to let go. In order to grow in life you need to give and take. In most religions, forgiving is a key factor. It's even been seen repeatedly in history that forgiving and giving one a chance for redemption has proven to be futile as well as strength. It makes you stronger as a person to give someone you have full hatred of a chance even more to forgive. That's why it's so hard to do to begin with. So, if you cling to your pain, you will forever suffer from it. If you let it go, you will feel relief and no suffering. That's how life works. That's how our mental states work when it comes to forgiving. Accepting what has happened to you and moving on is letting go of the pain. Bella did that. She's starting to let go of her sufferings. She never forgave the man in the first place. It's a hard task to do so to begin with. Our brains and heart work two different ways. She's thinking what is best for her and I'm for one glad she is. And you wanna say moving on means standing on your feet? Find the meaning of your life or the best way to live it? Keep moving forward without looking back? Honey, moving on means accepting your past or accepting the events that took place. You accept that it has happened, you learn from that and you continue in your own life. But as I mentioned 3 times now, you can't move on if you cling to the pain. By Bella giving the emperor at least a CHANCE shows that she is willing to move on and stop suffering from the pain she's held on to.

    lana July 12, 2020 1:44 pm
    Wow, someone got mad. I never said they didn't matter. I said to use the pain as a foundation for you to grow. You can never forget the pains that others inflict on you and ruin you. But why hold on to those pa... WolfiezXx

    In my religion the road to FORGIVENESS goes through RETRIBUTION !!!!!! 'MAHABHARATA'- ever heard of it, it replies to all your claims. Well at the end , I guess it's just our own point of view. You want to give your tormentors, convicts and criminals to give a chance and possess a priceless portion of your time and life once again, then by all means !!!!!! You are an Independent, Free Spirited person and I respect you for that. But, there's one thing I want to clarify with your MISCONCEPTION, IF FORGIVENESS IS WHAT ALL IT TAKES TO REDEEM A PERSON, THEN, THE ORDER OF LAW,JUSTICE AND CONVICTION WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE. And as for TRUE GROWTH of a INDIVIDUAL through PAIN,BLOOD & TEARS, YES, you may let the VIPER go SCATHFREE after it has BITTEN YOU , BUT, YOU MUST NEVER EVER EMBRACE IT IN YOUR BOSOM !!!! If you do, then, either you MISCOMPREHEND or COMPLETELY FAILED TO UNDERSTAND what your VERY LIFE has TOUGHT you FIRSTHAND. Remember the saying, ' Fool me once, the shame on you, Fool me twice, the shame on me', must be a lie, huh !!!! But just imagine, the law and order of each country follows your logic, then the Rapists, Scammers, Murderers, Terrorists would roam the street freely, visit our home and the HEAVEN ITSELF WOULD DESCEND ON OUR EARTH, HALLELUJAH !!!!!

    WolfiezXx July 12, 2020 4:18 pm
    In my religion the road to FORGIVENESS goes through RETRIBUTION !!!!!! 'MAHABHARATA'- ever heard of it, it replies to all your claims. Well at the end , I guess it's just our own point of view. You want to give... lana

    You see, why all the caps? Are you that agitated by my words? Hm? It seems so you are and I am highly amused. Now, let me be clear. Refrain from putting words in my mouth for I never even once mentioned forgiveness was all it took to redeem a person. I don't know where you mind went. But it went off the tracks from the point I'm making and will say again. In order to move on, you have to let go of your pains. In order to feel relieved, you have to accept what was done to you. And that's what Bella is doing. She's trying to move on. It takes effort and strength to do that. She still has to learn how live life again. And you're over here saying you respect me in being independent and free spirited? Bitch please. If you respected me, you wouldn't degrade my opinion in such a matter. If you don't like what I have to say then stop replying. We'll just agree to disagree and grow the hell up and move on. And you know, that's what I'm going to do. Because not even once did I ask for a reply in the first place or a like or dislike. I simply said I was going to ram my OPINION in this matter. I've respected your opinions yet you fail to do the same. I've ignored your criticism, your sarcasm, and your rudeness and I think I am at my limit in tolerating ones own ignorance. So, please, just read this, be the better person, and don't reply. Because if you do. I'll be the better person and do it. So, thank you for wasting my time over my own opinion in the matter and I sincerely thank you for wasting your time as well because you have no idea how much amusement this really is to me. So really, I'm not really wasting time if I'm enjoying it huh. Oh well. Good day to you I suppose. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    lana July 12, 2020 4:33 pm
    You see, why all the caps? Are you that agitated by my words? Hm? It seems so you are and I am highly amused. Now, let me be clear. Refrain from putting words in my mouth for I never even once mentioned forgive... WolfiezXx

    Bitch huh !!!!!!! well finally you showed your colours, I'm glad.

    WolfiezXx July 13, 2020 6:34 am
    Bitch huh !!!!!!! well finally you showed your colours, I'm glad. lana

    It's not showing my "true colors". It's ending an argument. But again, I thank you. You replying to this showed how much you desired getting the last jab in. So, yeah. More fun for me I guess. I was really hoping you would to be honest. I mean, if I didn't word it that reply the way I did then you wouldn't have replied. Would've been a pity then. But you probably would've to begin with since you seem like the type to want to get the last laugh or whatever. I could care less.

    suzue July 21, 2020 12:51 pm
