
It means Time,Place,Occasion.
In a profession people are supposed to act according to TPO. For example, if you're in a workplace, you can't wear casual cloth kind of thing. Or if you're someone who laugh really loud, you will try to tone it down if you were at a fine dining restaurant.
I'm not good at giving explanations. Hope this will help.
1) I kind of pity the emperor but well,he got his just desert. You are the one setting the condition emperor. Live with it...hahahaha...
2) And I kind of pissed of with Mia. Stealing some man aside, I hate people who disregard TPO. She should learn some manners. If not for Leana, I think the emperor already banished her to the temple.
3) And what?! Lehman is (potentially) evil?! Nooo...I like him...