I know in beating a dead horse but fuck it

Rosepainter July 10, 2020 2:05 am

The translator or who ever should have considered that she is a girl and needs to treat her as such. Her dad said she was born like that then the translator needs to override the words to fit her regardless. With that said her father was a kick-ass dad and stood by Eve even when that ignorant bitch of a cis woman called her own child a gay dude. I'm sorry but you can't be so stupid as to confuse a gay man and a women (trans or cis). I'm sure this was written in another time but that shit aggravates me as a cis intersex woman. If people want to take away the feminine sisterhood of trans woman from us and slap them with a label of men than that is extremely misogynistic and sexist. It goes back to times when women wether cis or trans have our womanhood measured for our worth. Women(cis or trans) are women and men (cis or trans) are men. Fuck off with that dumb ass logic (︶︿︶)=凸
