forcing mc to join the gardening club to 'get over' his phobia is like someone forcing you to join the cockroach/tarantula club. just because his phobia is flowers doesn't mean that his phobia is insignificant. the bullying on the side is also really shitty. no matter what, a fear is a fear and people shouldn't feel ashamed for it.
""""I want him to raise flowers because he will develop feelings as he cares for them--"""" thats fucking bullshit, I would never raise a pet tarantula
forcing mc to join the gardening club to 'get over' his phobia is like someone forcing you to join the cockroach/tarantula club. just because his phobia is flowers doesn't mean that his phobia is insignificant. the bullying on the side is also really shitty. no matter what, a fear is a fear and people shouldn't feel ashamed for it.