Don't mean to be rude, but while I don't comment that way, people are free to do so. Don't want to see those comments then ignore them. There are so many other more hurtful and rude comments then some saying they will drop so I don't see anything wrong in seeing it.
Also in my opinion writing that they will drop the story 1) lets them criticize what they don't like about the story and those with similar ideas tend to reply saying they are glad they aren't the only one 2) it gives new readers an idea that if so many people dislike the story to that point then it might not be worth reading. I have seen it often where new readers will go to the "dropping comments" to ask if the story is worth it or what made them drop. So in a way I do feel like those comments have some point/importance than just being a rant.
And yes I have had stories I loved yet people hated. It's an example of don't yuck my yum so no matter how much someone says they don't like it, why should I have to stop liking it? It's there right to not like a story and it's your to like it. Just ignore those comments if there opinion affects your enjoyment.
Also a comment section is FOR ALL COMMENTS if all I want to read are praises then I would stay and read all the comments from webtoon, tapas, webcomics ect. But I only read two or three from those platforms cause no offense but only seeing comments about how "great" something can be can get boring. I actually do like going through most of comments here and seeing why someone doesn't like the story I think it adds more to the discussion.

I realize I was wrong for ranting in a way that seemed rude and ignorant. Honestly, thank you for correcting me and my ignorance. I should have known that the comment section is place for all sorts of opinions . It slipped my mind how the dropping comments can give good information about why they dropped the story. My comment was completely childish. Thank you for helping see how rude I was by being super calm with your reply and for giving me factual information that I should have known from the beginning. Next time, I’ll just keep myself from being super biased and to not make a fool myself. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I really appreciate your constructive feedback for my comment.

Just as we post positive comments there will be people who are would also post negative or something in the lines of dropping the webtoon (just below). Cause we feel that way. Whether its a positive or negative. It's just that positive is more accepted since its a positive comment.
Personally, if I say I'm dropping it's because its my opinion. Just like you they also want to get it out of their chest. Basically, its open for comments so you can never really make people stop. It's the way it is. There will be people who won't like it. And if they comment that and people get discourage reading it then maybe they also didn't like the points the bye-webtoon stated hence stopping.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Humans are emotional creatures so it's normal that if you really enjoy something and someone bashing it or saying negative things that you would feel upset. When that happens there's a couple things you need to ask youself, 1) is what theyre saying actually negative? maybe they are just giving feedback of something they didn't like in the story that could be improved.
2) Are they just trash talking? aka just hating without reason/without a good reason. These opinions you can just ignore, or take into consideration but not to heart because yeah, people have different opinions¯_(ツ)_/¯ (but personally if anyone just says "this sucks Im droping this" I think it has like zero value because it doesn't tell me anything or have any reasoning)
so yeah if someone's opinion is different then so be it pretty much lol. Take value in your opinion but try not to take things personally jf someone else has a conflicting opinion:)
I quite in enjoy this story! Though it is like many stories I have read before. I love the fiery personality that our FL has. The art style to me is also quite enjoyable. Overall this story is great!