Chapter 3.1

piessy July 8, 2020 11:38 pm

Can someone explain chapter 3.1 to me about the homemade bento, I don't really understand it.

    aquakat July 9, 2020 8:05 pm

    I think the girl wants to 'look nice' so she eats the food her store job gives her during lunch, and throws out the bento her stepmom made for her. She throws out the extra food her store job gives to be able to eat her stepmom's dinner. basically she just wants to be seen as a 'good girl' in each situation? thats what I think anyways;;

    piessy July 9, 2020 10:37 pm
    I think the girl wants to 'look nice' so she eats the food her store job gives her during lunch, and throws out the bento her stepmom made for her. She throws out the extra food her store job gives to be able t... aquakat

    ah, that makes so much more sense. Thanks!