
My cousins know I read yaoi. My little cousin who's two years younger then me knew first (She found out by chance I tried my damn best to not let her find out cause we are close like sisters). The only way my other cousins knew is because my little cousin EXPOSED me because my other cousin who's my age was dating a girl whom he found out was a hardcore fujoshi. Yeah but eh they don't really give a shit. Do they make fun of me and shame me? Yes but that's just how we roll as cousins
I know im a dumbass bitch who reads yaoi and shounenai where ever and whenever chance I get, but yesterday I was vibing on my bed you know reading "Blood Link" and it was a sex scene when my sister busted my door and I have a laggy ass phone so I clicked on the home button multiple times and just clicked on youtube but I still have a feeling my sister saw what I was reading but in the end we jusy watched youtube together (shes my older sister btw) . The only person I ever told was a close friend of mine and I dont want my sister to know cuz that would make things AWKARD