Also what’s with everyone ragging on the girl when the boy with long hair was raped on multiple occasions? No one in this manga is a good person but the slut shaming is really stupid. Your fetishization for gay relationships is really showing if all you can think about is how the girl “ruined” everything.

She literally said in the manga she wanted to be loved. Love comes in all different forms and sometimes one persons love isn’t enough. She was one of the least bad characters in the story and it’s honestly disgusting people think she’s so bad when the other guys drugged and raped someone else but of course they get away with what they did in the viewers eyes because all they care about is fetishizing mlm. Also she didn’t “break his mind” she broke his heart and that is something he can get over. It’s highschool dating affairs not the end of the world. He pressured someone into suicide all because of his own selfishness and he let her do as she pleased with whoever she wanted. If he had such a problem he could have told her to stop but he knowingly let her sleep around and have threesomes he was part of with his own consent.
I think people don’t like this because they don’t understand it. Honestly it reminds me a lot of Your Lie In April with the whole know ing you’re gonna die so doing exactly what you want to do before you lose the chance.