Hmmm... it's actually a bit complicated to explain.
I can say that... it's just my way of thinking..
So far i already read a bunch of bl manga/manhwa. But for me, bl is just a fantasy world... which means i still have a prejudice with gay people in real life (I'm sorry )....
i only read bl because i can't find my self suit with most of shojo manga..
Back to your question..why it's okay if there are gay villains but no blessed gay couples?
Maybe because i think Shojo romance story is close to reality... because it's a 'normal' in our society.
Then, whenever there was a gay couple in Shojo genre.... automatically i will find it illegal and i feel uncomfortable with it. hmm, something like that. Because my heart ache for some reason ..
But, something 'illegal' is actually good if it's in the villain's side...
So that why i can read 'The Duchess with empty soul' happily but i drop all the shojo manga where the main character or the whole story support the gay couple.
Okey...i know my way of thinking is weird but i'm perfectly okey with it
I'm sorry for making you read this very long weird explanation with broken English.

Also I'm an evil lesbian so be careful, you never know what might happen tomorrow. Maybe I will fly on my lesbian broom and turn you into a frog ... Oh wait those are witches.
I sure do wonder what evils gay people commit daily. Perhaps the give the straights bad fashion advice or bake rainbow cakes with not enough frosting?

while i can understand that your thoughts on gay people can be because of your environment and upbringing, the fact that you're fully self-aware of it and saying you're 'perfectly okay with it' is the worst part... no attempt at changing your views...... like people unfamiliar with it can be repulsed at first and work towards understanding it but... you're just.. okay with it.. ( ̄へ ̄)

I just answer all your reply at once..
Yup... I'm homophobic
Oh come on!! I know i will get more haters if i said it directly...so, that why i make that long useless explanation..
I'm sorry if i hurt your feeling..
Yes, i'm prejudice with homosexual people..but i respect them and love them.
I think you guys misunderstanding me for some extreme homophobic out there..., Well not everyone will hate anyone just because their difference in thought...
~I am your girlfriend now, Reiko..
Yess dear....i read yaoi too..just for fun. OK, I'm sorry just pls stop thinking to much..
I don't force anyone to understand and accept my thought. And i'm sorrysorrysorrysorry...
If u said that my prejudice mind is due to my environment and upbringing........hmm, maybe not. If u said that i have no attempt at changing my views...... you're definitely wrong. I'm not that kind of person that easily influenced by people and environment....
Ok done, let's make up
Actually I never meant for my comments to become this controversial..... i will take this as a lesson. Please forgive my rudeness

We are not making up, yukishiro, you got to take a step back. This is not about you simply not liking gay people, it goes beyond that. You only read stories with gay characters if they are villains/ enemies of the main couple, so rather than just simply disliking gays you think that's it's more realistic for gay people to be villains. You're supporting the narrative that gay people are evil.
My main question is: why do you think that? Like what do you have against gay people? What evils do they commit? So far all you did was tell us that you see gay people as bad but you didn't explain your reasoning behind that. It really makes it look like you were just raised with those believes because the way you say it and don't feed the need to explain it makes it seem like this is the same as saying "the sky is blue" to you.

Hmmm... I guess you are the type of person that want everything revolves around you ha...
And i can't stand this type of people...sorry.
I just answer u this for the last time bcs i care for other ppl that might read this all comments.
First, due to my poor English..maybe it lead to misunderstanding for my statement that it seems like i see gay people as a bad.
But i clearly mention that "i respect them.."
Second, pls don't mix reality and yaoi/bl/yuri's world... In reality, homosexual ppl face highly health risk. Then if i support their way of thought, it's means i didn't care about them.
I grown up in a country that most of ppl caring each other that i tend to caring other ppl too..
Third, why u need to care about my preference in manga? If i say that i only read manga where the male main character is handsome bcs i just like handsome man, are u going to say that I'm supporting the author that all handsome man are perfect?
And lastly........ Which planet did came for u to say that ppl that against homosexual become lesbian?

How does this resolve around me? I'm clearly asking you about why you are homophobic.
There are no misunderstandings here, you decleared yourself to be homophobic. Homophobia is the opposite of respect, it's pure discrimination which can be seen in the way in which you read manga (dropping any story where the gay couple is not evil.)
High health risks, so HIV and other sexual diseases? That's not a thing caused by being gay but a thing caused by a lack of contraception and it applies to both gay and straight people. If a person has an ilness e.g. HIV, that doesn't make them bad. It's just sad. Within the gay community they do in fact have singals and let others know if they are possitive (have the ilness) so that person doesn't get it. I do think that this is an act of caring about others done by gay people. I don't get how what you're doing is "caring" at all. If you want to be caring and help gay people then what exactly are you doing to help? Not supporting possitive gay representation will not help and doing so has nothing to do with health risks, supporting negative gay repressentation will just increase stigma. If we want to help gay people (and straight people to because this is an issue we all face, just at diffrent rates) stay safe then we need to provide proper sex education and make people aware of how they can protect themselves.
Well, this is a website about manga where we talk about manga. Should I be talking with you about your fabric preferences? Your choice of manga was only relevant because it relates to your homophobia. I don't see how a man being handsome in a story would make him perfect, that's just a bad anaolgy. I do however think that what you said does make you seem shallow.
I don't even see how your reasoning behind this even justifies your way of thinking. Maybe it's a languge barrier issue but I do honestly think that your english is past the point where we need to worry about that, you can even use slang. The only issue you have is grammar and a limited vocabulary but other than your english is good.
Is the last comment about my username? Trust me, it doesn't apply to you. You're not the type of person I would ever date because I really don't like your attitude, like even if I get past your rude opinions, the way you started this reply is just plain rude and (no offence but this is the only way I can describe it) bitchy. It also shows that you don't follow the principle of "caring" about others because 1) that comment wasn't related to what we were talking about 2)that's the type of thing you say when you're trying to hurt people. Don't worry, I don't care about petty insults so you didn't hurt me, I do know that you don't care about being mean or rude towards me though I don't buy into your excuse of it being because I supposedly want "everything to revolve around me" since I didn't go into a personal monologue about my life, I basically talked to you about you so everything was revolving around you. The only way in which this relates to me is that I'm attracted to women. Yes, I'm talking about myself in this paragraph but it's only because you made this personal so I will defend myself. I wouldn't think that you said all that to be mean if you didn't add that "ha" at the end. If it was just an honest opinion then why did you feel the need to laugh? That's just a basic bullying tactic people use to bring others down.
Based on what you said it seems that you come from what we call a "collective culture", where the need of an individual is less valuable than the need of a group, the aim is to create hermony rather than to argue. When I replied to you I was aiming to understand your reasoning behind thinking that gay people are evil. But I honestly can't think of any reason to think that you had any possitive intentions with that comment. You did say that you replied to me because you "care for other ppl who might read this all comments" but I don't get why they would need to read this. That comment was you justifying your homophobia/answering my question and you trying to be mean to you. Like if you were trying to get people to side with you then explain your reasons, don't insult others. People would be more empathetic towards you if you at least tried to be nice. Don't try to hide behind kindness without even putting in the effort to be nice. It's very obvious when people do that. Have you heard about the phrase "do good but never speak of it"? Well you spoke of it which is already not a good thing but on top of that you didn't do anything good in that reply or in any of the replies on here. Simply being proudly homophobic and presenting yourself as though you care about others (does that even apply to gay people for you? -> I can't even tell) . Those things simply don't go together.
If you want to end this then lets end this. I don't think this will go anywhere and at this point I no longer have any empathy towards you so I don't care about your reasoning anymore.
Hmmmm, the author's other story is yuri..
Which means... It's not impossible for this manhwa to have gay..
But i hope not...
I read bl but i don't like when shojo's romance story contain blessed gay couple...if they were villains then it's okey