love how they fell in love but i cried not because of the love story but...

dannygirl September 12, 2014 1:37 am

to know a world like that really did excise in the past. i cried thinking, to be sold and used as a thing. i know it still excise in human trafficking but still thanks to free will and no slavery, although it still has red light districts (might not be called that but.. u get where i am coming from) in every country, whether or not we chose to be in the sex industry, its up to us. we have come far, us humans and still have a long way to go but so far so good. :) p.s i am not taking shit research it if you want

    marry September 12, 2014 2:54 am

    wow you are a positive thinker, i wish i could think like you. slavery still exist in some form in some parts of the world and even in the us although it is not called slavery. And some people have no other thinkable options besides the "red light districts" or they are sold there by their parents or trusted people, yes this still happens although it is not as common or much talked about as we like to believe that the human race have improved morally over time.

    dannygirl September 12, 2014 5:50 am
    wow you are a positive thinker, i wish i could think like you. slavery still exist in some form in some parts of the world and even in the us although it is not called slavery. And some people have no other thi... marry

    so very true but is still better than the pass where same sex marriage didn't come in to play, women didn't have equal rights as men and African Americans could not vote also not treated as human being. we really did come a long way :)