
In the 1st story,it wasn't exactly portrayed that he died,right?I mean,we saw the vehicle approaching while he walked but I think, the author left the end hanging loose to create suspension for us cuz I read in another comment that proves otherwise.
That person mentioned that the main characters from the 1st and 2nd story would meet later in the story
I jist have to express how much i hate this ending (for the first story). Like why in the hell did they think that was a good idea? THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS MANGA IS SUICIDE BAD AND MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT and youre making the people around you sad and there is another way and the protsginst goes through a whole asss character arc to understand that, and regret killing himself and gets another shot and he returns back to life ONLY TO FUCKING KILL HIMSELF AGAIN SO EASILY. What was the point of the whole story? If they wanted to end edgy like that than they couldve not revive him at all, because you dont actually get revive if you die. They couldve ended with him realizing he cant come back and it wouldve been a sad and affective ending, but nope.
I actually read this since it came out but i just had to spill my heart because its eating me inside every time i think about this manga