I cant

Mzz Mal July 8, 2020 2:48 pm

Ugh. It's just a sports manga. I didn't think it would wreck me so much!! Ugh!

I can imagine next chapter, the panel starts off with Kageyama and Hinata trying to push the ball over the net and I believe it will be Hinata who gets the upperhand, scoring the point and overall winning the set.

Cementing how far he's come and overall defeating Kageyama as true rivals on opposite ends of the court.

I can also see in the final panels of the manga, after everything winds down, they talk. They're alone on the court and Hinata asks Kageyama to set for him one more time.

Kageyama smirks and agrees. He gets ready to set the ball and Hinata does a run-up, minus tempo and he spikes the volleyball and the ball takes up the entire frame.

"Thank You."

I can't do this no more. ;-;

    cinnamonroll July 8, 2020 2:30 pm

    UUUUUuuuuu stop making me cryyy ┗( T﹏T )┛

    Eilselie July 9, 2020 3:18 am

    Imma stop you right there who gave you the right to tear my heart you poet (╥﹏╥)