Waw... That was a really good layout i think he's not having sex witj the chairman but manipulating the chairman with the money ha can bring. --- i dont even know how the heck. Do you get that much money from swimming comp?
Welp, i must say, to get a rage inducing, teeth grinding, table flipping character and plot going... You gotta put atleast a brain dead uke in there hahhahaha

It's ok, like you said, I don't know Jack about Baseball, though I wasn't trying to imply that the Uke was being stupid for playing Baseball... I mean, I think I'm reading too far into this one, but from what I've understood, the baseball team might have a slight dislike to Gays? ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ Seeing as the Uke mentioned something about being kicked off the team if that video got leaked... But - and I really did think about it being a possibility - it could also be connected team rivalry, seeing as the Seme's in the swim team and the Uke's in the baseball team ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭ But this is just another theory of mine

I think these stories should show the characters putting the lube on, but they usually don't. Thing is, we leap over parts of stories all the time, we easily fill in blanks spots in all stories. For instance, we don't need to see someone walking down a hall, right?
I'm saying that I can clearly see that there is lube. It can't come from either character's bodies, so the only logical answer is that it was applied, but we weren't shown that part.

there's plenty of dislike for homosexuality in Asian culture from what I've always heard. However, dislike of homosexuality wouldn't matter. Baseball teams have to win. They're highly motivated, coaches and players. Teams have pitchers and then they have their ace. He's the best pitcher, and he's essential to getting the team wins. He's been trained for two years and more in preparation leading up to him taking the ace position. The national championship, Koshien. This author has set out a tournament, not as important as Koshien, but if they lose, it might take them out of the running for Koshien.
Honestly, the chairman would never bench the ace. A lot of money is riding on these games. He's be totally invested in them winning. The chairman vs the team's win just to grant a favor to a student? Never happen. Here we just have to suspend all logic LOL and believe the author's premise, taking into account that she knows almost nothing about baseball. LOL. As far as the seme, swim teams don't compete against baseball teams. that's just stupid. again, we're going with the premise. LOL so, we're just going to have to go with the author's premise: they are competing with each other, and the chairman is a total maverick.
true stuff: junho is protecting his now and future. He might play in the pros. He stands to make a lot, like a million dollars right out of high school if he's good enough. It would be stupid of him not to lay low and stay out of trouble. There's a hell of a lot of info on why he goes along with the sex, but this post is getting too long. sorry about that

if the seme shoved it in dry, he'd show blood too. really, it can't be done. I'm sure there's exceptions. If you look at the second sex scene, about half way through junho says he's becoming weird. In yaoi terms that means he starting to be turned on. After that, he's still in denial, but he also goes along with it because he's experiencing more and more pleasure.
I don't know how else the seme could turn a homophobic guy to see that he's actually gay. He would need to totally break the guy down, make him revise his entire sense of who he is. I'm not condoning rape, but I can find the logic Lee Kang uses to justify the rape. He really likes Junho. You can tell. He's desperate to get in at Junho

yes, there was preparation. seme did the usual with the fingers. it was shown in maybe one panel. I think the author should have put more emphasis on it. He might have done it a long time or short. We don't know. I guess we have to use our imagination for how much or how little preparation time was spent

also, there are people who it wouldn't hurt as much. If he had a habit of masturbating with a dildo for instance. There's other ways he might have had some experience that would lessen the pain. That he wasn't appearing to be in a lot of pain afterwards, I'm concluding that he had some kind of prior breaking in. I'm not trivializing rape at all, and I know what I'm talking about or I simply wouldn't say anything
I'm not unsympathetic to those who have suffered , physically and mentally. I know it's a terrible thing. I'm not dumb LOL
In a story, for chrissakes, it's another thing. I like it sometimes.
Was anyone else just continually thinking : "This guy (Uke) is an absolute total moron..." and "This guy (Seme) is a criminal..." ( ̄∇ ̄")
I'm probably reading too much into this, but maybe you can understand where I'm coming from... ( ̄∇ ̄")... So, here's a couple things I picked up on while reading (pretty damn sure I'm not the only one, but hear me out) :
- Seme's obviously blackmailing and having non-consentual sex with Uke
- Seme could be charged with rape and blackmail...
- Seme's moral standards are basically all trash
- Seme's fucked the T.A. and (though I'm not sure, so I'm probably going out on a limb here) the Chairman?
- Uke's had MULTIPLE chances to go to the police (but he's too much of an idiot to do so...)
- Uke's got a short fuse (aka. Anger issues)
- Uke's pretty much a rebellious "I don't give a fuck" kinda person
- Uke's moral standards are basically : "If I don't do as this jerk says, I'll end up being kicked from the Baseball team" or something similar
In conclusion the Uke's a lost cause, with about half a braincell, the Seme's a gross rapist and the school apparently doesn't like Gays? 'Cause Uke mentioned something about being kicked out of the League or something ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Also, the first time the Uke got raped, I was kinda expecting there to be blood... I mean, Seme's dick isn't the size of a standard pencil ... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ So from my experience - don't get me wrong, I absolutely DON'T agree with rape or blackmail or anything of the sort - from getting something that size forcefully shoved inside of you, without any prior preparation, should've ripped something and therefore there should've been blood... ( ̄∇ ̄")