I’m dropping this

Glass July 7, 2020 1:01 am

I can’t handle how Suha refuses to use his brain and get help in situations that can prove harmful to him. He puts himself and his friend at risk by not bringing help or leaving to calling the police about the punch and forced bj. He has been secretive and vague concerning their relationship from the start, and the recent events have made me question his future ability to keep true to his lover.
If he has past trauma or issues he needs to deal with, then he should talk it out with a psychiatrist and/or someone he trusts. He could even go to the police if what happened to him was severe. What he should NOT be doing is walking into an obvious trap where he was aware that he would be sexually assaulted. His actions are going to hurt not only himself, but also the man that loves him, deeply, and it will cause trust issues further down the line. That is, if the relationship can even continue after this.
I’m tired of good stories being ruined by moronic decisions and what is technically cheating. I loved it as long as it lasted, but this is where I say goodbye.

    bloop July 7, 2020 1:31 am

    i dont even think they're a steady couple, which is why suha doesnt think to rely on the director. to me, their relationship is STILL "vague", as you described it (still fwb, but slowly moving past that). im not justifying his actions, but i think if i was him, i dont think i would bring the police into the situation, knowing their past and how much suha has relied on their family. idk its complicated