
691313 July 6, 2020 8:06 pm

The girl is really annoying and selfish. I do not mean she has to marry him. BUT STOP SAYING THAT THE BABY IS ONLY YOURS. He has rights as a father and he is going to take reponsibility for that. There are a lot mothers that her father´s son does not want to take responsibility of the baby and run away and this woman have the luck that her father´s son is a responsable adult and she is like "Iz n0T y0UrS Iz mY bAbY, 0nLy mInE", come on girl, be thankful woman. I mean, she can be a single mother and doesn´t need to marry him if she doesn't want it. She can be an independent woman raising a child without a husband but the baby is not only hers since the father recognizes the little boy or girl and wants to take responsibility. They can reach an agreement about the baby. I have a cousin and she doesn't have a father because he never took responsibility of her, so this is making me really angry.

    KarenSmithIsAWh0r3 July 7, 2020 3:50 am

    Silly cow, they literally said how her parents forced to marry each other because of her and now she’s literally going through the same thing.

    691313 July 7, 2020 5:25 am
    Silly cow, they literally said how her parents forced to marry each other because of her and now she’s literally going through the same thing. KarenSmithIsAWh0r3

    No human, He is not forcing her to marry him. I can tell that he is annoying sometimes too. But he is not forcing her. she doesn´t want to repeat the same mistake as her parents so here is the thing she will love the kid and the men obviously wants that kid too.
    There are children with parents that are divorced and mom and dad love them a lot ot. That´s it, the important thing that makes her worried. Well, I know sometimes there are cases like her but this is diferent with them. She wants to be a lovely parent and the guy too. But he was really wrong when he ask her to marry him. she will change, i know but i do not regret, she was wrong of denying to him that he is the father. As him that he ask her to marry him only because he got her pregnant.

    691313 July 7, 2020 5:27 am
    No human, He is not forcing her to marry him. I can tell that he is annoying sometimes too. But he is not forcing her. she doesn´t want to repeat the same mistake as her parents so here is the thing she will l... 691313

    Sorry, I write wrong. Parents that they are not together and mom and dad love them a lot*. Divorced too. But this is not the case.