I can see my hair turning white from the stress!

BruisedHeart July 6, 2020 1:24 pm

I know it... I knew all along... someone will die in the end... like Yato or Yukine or Hiyori... I don’t know how to prepare myself for that day, I don’t even want to think about it, but we will lose someone precious from this manga. And at the end I will cry for days in pain and agony and no one around me get why I am in pain.

I just hope I am wrong and in the end all this pain will turn into happiness for all of them. :(

    Mimi July 6, 2020 4:33 pm

    I think it’s Hiyori because she deeply cares for the people she loves and I’m pretty sure she will try to stop them and maybe get killed in the process.

    BruisedHeart July 6, 2020 5:06 pm
    I think it’s Hiyori because she deeply cares for the people she loves and I’m pretty sure she will try to stop them and maybe get killed in the process. Mimi

    Well i hope she comes and saves them vause I feel like Hiyori has a very important part in this war but Yato will be crushed if she were to die saving him and Yukine too when he turns back to being Yukine... Who knows maybe Hiyori can become some kind of special vessel as well or some kind of goddess idk if it would be a good ending but i would prefer them being together forever then Hiyori dying and disappearing forever or from old age and die

    Sun.Jin July 6, 2020 11:31 pm
    Well i hope she comes and saves them vause I feel like Hiyori has a very important part in this war but Yato will be crushed if she were to die saving him and Yukine too when he turns back to being Yukine... Wh... BruisedHeart

    It’s true from the moment I started the manga and even watching the anime I’ve felt like Hiyori is gonna die, there is no happy ending for Yato, Yukine and Hiyori if she stays a human cause she will die, and I think her death will be the solutions to help yukine coming back ? And we can see that Hiyori is almost playing with death even if it’s on purpose or not, but for how long can she continue playing that game ? I just hope that if she turns as a vessel she will be happy that is the only thing I can hope for :/ ( also sorry if I’ve made mistakes English is not my birth language, and it’s just my theory and all I don’t want to offend anyone :3 ).

    Mimi July 6, 2020 11:48 pm
    It’s true from the moment I started the manga and even watching the anime I’ve felt like Hiyori is gonna die, there is no happy ending for Yato, Yukine and Hiyori if she stays a human cause she will die, an... Sun.Jin

    Yeah that is very true but what bothers me if she does become a spirit for Yato to use she won’t remember and if yato does kill his dad Hiyori won’t be able to be his life line so it can go both ways.

    BruisedHeart July 6, 2020 11:50 pm
    It’s true from the moment I started the manga and even watching the anime I’ve felt like Hiyori is gonna die, there is no happy ending for Yato, Yukine and Hiyori if she stays a human cause she will die, an... Sun.Jin

    You are right... I don’t know how much more I can take it... to be honest I am a very emotional and attached person to fictional characters and enyone around me. And till now Noragami hurt me so much I want to read it but when I see a new chapter I take a deep breath in and out before to mentally prepare myself...
    All I see is more pain and sorrow From here on, but I hope we all can go on with this journey and support one another because, at least I will need that :(

    ( and don’t worry about your flaws in english or by any other languages you are speaking because you being able to write and understand it is good enough don’t listen to others I think your English is good enough! ) ;)

    My English was horrible 5 years ago and now I became better at it and it’s not my main language, so I also had flaws in the beginning, but you just get better with practice etc...

    BruisedHeart July 6, 2020 11:54 pm
    Yeah that is very true but what bothers me if she does become a spirit for Yato to use she won’t remember and if yato does kill his dad Hiyori won’t be able to be his life line so it can go both ways. Mimi

    I just have too many theories in my head as well, but I will leave it be to the Author and see this through somehow because, I won’t be able to sleep if I won’t stop myself from the ideas that come up in my head time to time. ╥﹏╥

    Sun.Jin July 7, 2020 3:40 pm

    Thank you very much :) also maybe we will have a new arc when Hiyori is a vessel? But I think the theory of her transforming into a goddess is not really gonna happen, because you know for a human to become a god they need a lot of people believing in them and even after their death but it’s not the case of Hiyori right now, I really don’t want her to forget yato because If you’ve noticed Hiyori is helping yato mentally, every time yato almost kill someone and was returning to his old self Hiyori was here for him, preventing him from doing so, but if Hiyori die ( I think that’s going to destroy him mentally) and she forget about yato I am scared he will kill again or not feeling anything anymore. And we are not sure if she can become a vessel because for it to happen the soul need to be as pure as possible and not having any hate you see and having the will to live (if I remember correctly). I just want them to be happy but at the same time I know they can’t TwT.

    Sun.Jin July 7, 2020 4:01 pm

    I am sorry if I am to pessimists, I just want to think in the most realistic way I don’t want to get fake hope and being sad and all (>_<) .

    BruisedHeart July 7, 2020 4:09 pm
    I am sorry if I am to pessimists, I just want to think in the most realistic way I don’t want to get fake hope and being sad and all (>_<) . Sun.Jin

    I definitely feel the same way and sometimes i too think too hard on it and bad thoughts don't leave me but I just wish to see them happy at least Yato and Yukine! If i were to be the author and had to sacrifice someone from them i would have picked Hiyori too tho we still don't know what will happen ... but she is just like a key to open a door and to open the door to Yato for him to move forward we need Hiyori to open the door and let him go without her... idk if that made sense but this is what i think.