Hmm good question.. well I just don’t like rereading the same thing because I already know how the plot is going to be. It’s like rewatching a good movie. I wouldn’t want to sit through 2-3 hours of something I already watched, despite knowing how much I enjoyed it. I lose the excitement of it, and I don’t want to overwrite my first experience. I’ve done this with numerous manga/manhwa, can’t remember the titles though. Although I will go back to certain scenes that I really liked and save screenshots of pictures I liked. I won’t reread the whole story again though. To me, it’s a treasure that I am satisfied with cherishing. Just a good memory that I would like to preserve in my head.
I'm really curious to see if there are many people out there that have series that they love but won't reread. Usually, when you love something, you would want to re-experience it. Avoiding something you like is not as common. So I am eager to see how many people have read a series like this and the reasons that they feel this way.