As much as I tried to enjoy this episode. Apparently when we read bl/yaoi manga. We are fe...

gath July 6, 2020 5:15 pm

As much as I tried to enjoy this episode. Apparently when we read bl/yaoi manga. We are fetishizing gay people and it's gross...I'm annoyed. Why Is yaoi any different from other genres?

Guys I made this post because it's all over Twitter that describes us fujoshi like this. Thar claims that we fetishize gay people. This chapter didn't make me uncomfortable. The
Posts about the misconception of fujoshi is what made me mad and unable to enjoy the damn episode.

    Chang Liu is my sugar daddy! July 6, 2020 4:15 am

    Why keep reading if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Did you comment this to gain clout? I don’t understand your intention.

    Nikkiz July 6, 2020 5:24 am

    Idk if I have a say in this but if it’s fetishizing gay people then why is it ok when it’s about straight people ya know. Does that mean that they’re fetishizing the straights. I think this argument can go both ways for all sexualities

    jujihansool July 6, 2020 5:42 am
    Idk if I have a say in this but if it’s fetishizing gay people then why is it ok when it’s about straight people ya know. Does that mean that they’re fetishizing the straights. I think this argument can g... Nikkiz

    I agree. I think as long as you’re aware that this doesnt depict reality and is merely fictional/made to fulfill the author/reader’s fantasies and such, it’s fine. Just because someone enjoys BL doesn’t mean they’re a bad person yknow... You can enjoy BL and support equality for all genders/sexualities/races lol.

    Gowther July 6, 2020 6:39 am

    I dont see why this bother you or make you uncomfortable, I mean, no one pushed you to recognize all those fantasies that other people has, its their fantasies, their opinion, technically it doesnt have anything to do with you . Also, this FICTIONAL, anything can happen here, the only time that this will be something uncomfortable is when this happen in reality.

    Lucifer July 6, 2020 8:29 am

    Lol. Ur full stops r commas and it's all confusing. I don't think u were even able to make urself clear but anyone can have any fetish right? This is what it's all about. We read it cause we like it. Why even think so much? Idk even what is annoying? Ppl watch porn and jerk off, would u call that a fetish? I never read straight things, idk why I find it shitty. That is why of course yaoi is different for me at least.

    Uwuchiha July 6, 2020 11:37 am

    I think you are taking it too serious it’s not that deep it’s not like we are masturbating to it we just like it because we do and that’s it not every one of us is some sick fuck that likes gay sex because we are fetishizing gay couples

    Sara July 6, 2020 11:53 am

    Why does gay sex bother you is what I’m wondering? Why is it inherently fetishistic to portray gay couples having sex? Seems homophobic to me

    Lucifer July 6, 2020 6:07 pm

    Lol. I told ya, u didn't make ur meaning clear at all. Haha.

    gath July 6, 2020 10:06 pm
    Lol. I told ya, u didn't make ur meaning clear at all. Haha. Lucifer

    Sorry. My English failed me today.

    Chang Liu is my sugar daddy! July 6, 2020 11:13 pm
    Sorry. My English failed me today. gath

    Ok, I get your point now. It’s like this... people have different preference. The things you like may not be the same for others. You know just like food, some like reading plain and boring straight mangas, while we like it flavored. What’s wrong with fetishizing two men doing it? This is all fiction anyway. And I don’t think anyone should have the right to say what someone is interested in. Those who say that we fetishize yaoi just hates gay people in general. Discrimination and fetishization are two sides of the same coin.

    Chang Liu is my sugar daddy! July 6, 2020 11:44 pm
    Ok, I get your point now. It’s like this... people have different preference. The things you like may not be the same for others. You know just like food, some like reading plain and boring straight mangas, w... Chang Liu is my sugar daddy!

    It’s all okay when it just happens here in fiction, but in reality the fetishization and romanticization of same-gender attraction is extremely damaging to our community. It dehumanizes us.

    Gowther July 7, 2020 1:32 pm
    It’s all okay when it just happens here in fiction, but in reality the fetishization and romanticization of same-gender attraction is extremely damaging to our community. It dehumanizes us. Chang Liu is my sugar daddy!

    Yes dude, thats the point. This is fiction, nothing's wrong as long as it stay as fiction.

    Lucifer July 7, 2020 2:59 pm

    Well idk what's even need to bring the word fetish here. I read gay romance cause I like reading it, ppl might read straight one cause they like reading that. What even the fetish in here? Maybe its fiction or maybe it's really happened with two gays, how does it matter? Doesn't everyone watch romantic movies and other things. Two humans loving each other, what's there to fetish?

    Gowther July 9, 2020 6:37 am
    Well idk what's even need to bring the word fetish here. I read gay romance cause I like reading it, ppl might read straight one cause they like reading that. What even the fetish in here? Maybe its fiction or ... Lucifer

    I dont really know man, the OP seems to have issues here, which actually is pretty much irrelevant