Wow! Non-virgin woman - not shameful. Thank you, Miranda Lee, for presenting us with a female character that doesn't have the seal of approval from the Patriarchal Society of Romantic Fiction. So much of the "romantic" genre have men like "Max," although way larger, more virile, and just as aggressive and misogynistic, painted up as romantic, compelling, irresistable, etc., etc., until readers just assume that any great male has to have the tattoo "A**HOLE" or "DOUCHE" on his forehead. The idea that guys (as long as they are handsome, masculine, and rich) can boff anything and everything in skirts, and that makes them "manly," while women have to wait patiently and chastely at home until Mr. Rich Hugedong deigns to notice them is not just misogynistic, double standard, and morally disgusting; it is infantile to the max. Anyone who believes that hasn't graduated from when he first discovered that something other than urine came from his genitals.
Wow! Non-virgin woman - not shameful. Thank you, Miranda Lee, for presenting us with a female character that doesn't have the seal of approval from the Patriarchal Society of Romantic Fiction. So much of the "romantic" genre have men like "Max," although way larger, more virile, and just as aggressive and misogynistic, painted up as romantic, compelling, irresistable, etc., etc., until readers just assume that any great male has to have the tattoo "A**HOLE" or "DOUCHE" on his forehead. The idea that guys (as long as they are handsome, masculine, and rich) can boff anything and everything in skirts, and that makes them "manly," while women have to wait patiently and chastely at home until Mr. Rich Hugedong deigns to notice them is not just misogynistic, double standard, and morally disgusting; it is infantile to the max. Anyone who believes that hasn't graduated from when he first discovered that something other than urine came from his genitals.
This manga is telling us, "Grow up, you morons!"