Why do the richest men in the world have egos as brittle as glass

Comadrin July 6, 2020 2:43 am

Here he is: More money than Croesus, picture in all the magazines, obviously running one of the largest most profitable companies in the world. Then there was this girl, I was going to "bag" her tonight and boasted about it with my friends. She ran away that night, got arrested on a bogus charge, lost her career, and then was about to go to jail over some theft while she was working pro bono for a charity. NOW I can have my revenge for her "betrayal." I can compel her to be my mistress and publicly brand her as a slut forever. As I gloat over her pitiful helplessness, I can be content in what a magnificent specimen of male studliness I am. I can dream happily of her never getting a respectable job for the rest of her life as payment for embarrassing me by not letting me "bag" her in front of my tawdry friends. I am undoubtedly the absolute pinnacle of Homo Sapiens!

Did I leave anything out?

    rawat September 15, 2020 5:49 pm

    ren November 27, 2023 10:21 am

    You summarized it beautifully