Does this story have a novel?

Ners Gelloow July 5, 2020 10:28 pm

What if Rara purposely let Ginger read that book. What if the book that Ginger read was also an alteration of the original novel that Rara wrote? What if Rara just wanted to save the gruesome ending of Lerajie by sacrificing Ginger? Or what if Ginger was the original love interest of Rara? And he plans to get in between Izana and Ginger by adding Lerajie in the picture? Haaaaa... Does this have a novel? Im really curious and I wanna read it... So that I can stop thinking about "what ifs"

    Clarrenmaya July 5, 2020 11:21 pm

    This is a really good theory! I had never thought of it that way until you said it.

    Akemilly July 6, 2020 3:36 am

    I like your theories lol
    But I also think there's a chance that Rara really loves Lerajie and is trying to make her fall in love with him (or maybe trying to save her) before Izana falls in love with her, and for that purpose, he's using Ginger who already likes him.
    I'm also very corious, lol, if you find a novel, please share it with me!

    Syrupy Pancake July 6, 2020 5:48 am

    If you want spoilers I can tell you a lol but Rara sacrificing Ginger in place of Lerajie wouldnt make sense cause she only died due to her relation with Jesuit

    LuarPrincesa July 6, 2020 10:40 am
    If you want spoilers I can tell you a lol but Rara sacrificing Ginger in place of Lerajie wouldnt make sense cause she only died due to her relation with Jesuit Syrupy Pancake

    If you could spoil me i will be happy

    Syrupy Pancake July 6, 2020 1:22 pm
    If you could spoil me i will be happy LuarPrincesa

    Ok spoilers. . .

    Ginger spends the night and the next day her and Izana make it seem like they are sleeping together/slept together to break off her engagement. Rara said he wrote the book with magic and wants to stop the tragedy that is supposed to happen. After talking to Ginger about this, she decides they should just make Lerajie fall for Rara. However, lo and behold the sonofabitch Kiki gave Lerajie the book to read. She comes in with the book. She figures out Rara is the author and says she's going to win Izana. Later on, Ginger visits Izana and they pretend to be sleeping together again so he can avoid Lerajie's dad.

    That's as far as I can remember from the laat time I read spoilers. I saw them on insta somewhere. It wasnt from this cause it was translated ahead of this but its more comfortable to read on here cause of format.

    LuarPrincesa July 6, 2020 1:55 pm

    Thank you!

    Syrupy Pancake July 6, 2020 2:02 pm
    Thank you! LuarPrincesa

    Of course (=・ω・=)