That's right! I really like them too together! Plus, I simply don't understand. For some people incest is a taboo, but I bet most of people who are dropping this because of the incest part probably read something even worse! Like mangas where the seme stalks the uke, or rapes him or forces himself on it. BLs are full of badass semes who forces themselves on the uke but since he's 'hot', it's okay?
Tons of mangas are full of taboos like stalking, yanderes, or even worse... So what is the problem? Should we drop any of them? It's just fictional. ( ̄∇ ̄")

That's right! To be honest, I really find them cute together and I am curious to know how their relationship will evolve. I principally focus on the story and the characters. It's not like the moment I finish reading this, I'll go and have a romantic date with my sibling xD
Honestly... I find that absurd. Let's just enjoy what the author gives to us. You don't like it? Okay, you're free to drop it, but then be coherent and drop EVERY manga, manwha or manhua that implies taboos or crimes (you should drop like at least 50% of them lol) ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I mean, okay... I respect that some people don't appreciate or like incest (we still don't know if it's really incest, but still...). Everyone is free to think or like whatever they want, but seriously... Arent't you overreacting? I mean, it's a fictional work. In this BL (or in omegaverse) males can literally be pregnant and give birth to babies. Isn't that fictional as well? So why being so shocked?! I would understand if you see it in real life, but this is literally a fantasy manuha involving mpregnancy (which is totally imaginary and unnatural) but I don't see a single comment about this.
So, male pregnancy is perfectly natural but incest is a big 'nono'?
I personally like male pregnancies in mangas, but I definitely don't like the idea in the real life (poor men's bellies xD). Come on! Let's try being a little more flexible... ok? (๑•ㅂ•)و✧And please, respect the author's choices and people who instead still like this.