I relate to this so much... my threshold for 2nd hand embarrassment is really low--romantic comedy is so dangerous. If the MC is solidly self-aware, its okay, because I can trust them to do their best, and can relate to their situation... but if they aren't? I keep having to click away to do something else until I can stand to continue, or just give up

Omg y'all I do the same thing!!! I pause right before i can see the actual most embarassing thing happening and I keep repeating to myself "it's not that deep it's just a manga/anime/movie/serie" and sometimes when it really is too much, I take a literal hour long, and come back to finish it lmaoooo

I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I've learned that I miss out on good stories with such a low tolerance, so I keep several browser windows open so I can distract myself and recover enough to press on. I think from now on, I can be assured that somewhere out there I've got at least two buddies who are also shriveling internally and fleeing for much needed healing and sanity ┗( T﹏T )┛
i need spoilers!!! ive been getting second hand embarrassment from the get go and i just cant take such character. will it stop or will she just continue down this path of cringe fest??