Small rant

Saki July 5, 2020 12:39 pm

Everyone in the comment section is (understandably) super sympathetic and understanding towards Utou but I don’t understand why so many people can’t extend the same sympathy towards Sumi? The comments towards Sumi are starting to get nicer but I still saw several ppl hating on him and some even saying everything is Sumi’s fault and he deserved everything that happened to him. Sumi was literally violently gang raped as a teen. Are people really so desensitized to rape omegaverse (and yaoi in general) that they can’t comprehend the amount of lifelong trauma it causes for victims?

All omegas are severely oppressed, but it’s even worse for Sumi since suppressants don’t work well for him. Sumi has the threat of rape hanging over him every time he’s in heat in public until he can find an Alpha to bond with. Plus bonding with an alpha will also put an end to being whored out by his boss. Even if you don’t agree with his decision, I think it’s understandable why Sumi chose to bond with the other alpha to end this torment, especially since he thought Utou didn’t return his feelings at the time. There’s SO much at stake for Sumi being in an beta/omega relationship, but now that he knows Utou truly loves him, Sumi is willing to fight for their relationship. I know heartbreak and the feeling of inferiority at losing out to Alphas must be really tough to deal with for Utou and I honestly also feel really bad for him. But comments saying Sumi, a victim of rape, deserves the pain/molestation/a tragic ending are honestly pretty insensitive. I love and feel for both Sumi and Utou and I hope they both find a happy future together.

    Queen anime July 5, 2020 12:50 pm

    I was disgusted when I saw ppl say that sumi deserves to suffer more because of what he did. People are only nicer now because they know that him being with utou would make utou happy. They don’t regard sumis feelings or want him to be happy individually. Like someone said, sumi I forgive because you made utou happy. Like the biggest eye roll ever ( ̄へ ̄)

    AsuKanon July 5, 2020 12:55 pm
    I was disgusted when I saw ppl say that sumi deserves to suffer more because of what he did. People are only nicer now because they know that him being with utou would make utou happy. They don’t regard sumis... Queen anime

    Yeah thats true Even in spanish they hate sumi so much i can't understand but well sumi Even risk his time to live for being with Utou, and they have his happy ending with they're kids enjoying the future them choice i don't Care anymore i just want to see they're baby twins faces .. waiting for the extra chapter ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Queen anime July 5, 2020 1:05 pm
    Yeah thats true Even in spanish they hate sumi so much i can't understand but well sumi Even risk his time to live for being with Utou, and they have his happy ending with they're kids enjoying the future them ... AsuKanon

    Esp the ones one Facebook. They are the worst . Sigh

    Aeinn July 5, 2020 1:42 pm

    Yes, I hate how everyone got mad at sumi when he decided to bond with the alpha, it was a reasonable altho impulsive decision(I facepalm-ed so hard when he did that)..Utou rejected him previously and then did NOTHING for A WEEK., OH how I was soo furious when ppl said that Utou didn't do anything wrong,like?? Sumi obviously started to blame himself and got guilty towards Utou since Utou always took care of him, Utou kept him hanging for A WEEK and then suddenly confessed to Sumi telling him that he loves sumi after he saw the boyy ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ you supposed to said it long ago..but I understand his inferiority towards alpha(╥﹏╥)

    NOW BE HAPPY BOTH OF YOU !!(but sumi won't have a long life ಥ╭╮ಥ)

    Aeinn July 5, 2020 1:53 pm
    Yes, I hate how everyone got mad at sumi when he decided to bond with the alpha, it was a reasonable altho impulsive decision(I facepalm-ed so hard when he did that)..Utou rejected him previously and then did N... Aeinn

    Well..mybe it was not stated for a week but seeing Utou went to somewhere else for work that need to board a flight seems it has been a long time

    Queen anime July 5, 2020 2:02 pm
    Yes, I hate how everyone got mad at sumi when he decided to bond with the alpha, it was a reasonable altho impulsive decision(I facepalm-ed so hard when he did that)..Utou rejected him previously and then did N... Aeinn

    Sumi is 12 years younger than utou. So I think it would decrease his life span, but not drastically

    Exactly. Utou was laid back during the whole series and did something when sumi was bitten. Biggest eye roll. I get he has insecurities but he indirectly hurted sumi and ppl are looking past that and only blaming sumi.

    Did sumi start the “friends with benefits” or whatever you call it ( cause they weren’t in any relationship or friendship). Nooo utou did. Than he went behind his back and found out about his past and didn’t tell him, and say ohh nooo I can’t help you anymore and didn’t tell him why. Sumi was confused. Than he confesses but utou does nothing ( at this point utou knew he liked him). He was giving mixed signals and there wasn’t any proper communication.

    Sumi than makes a dumb decision and gets bonded. Now look his life span is shortened.

    And ppl say utou didn’t do anything wrong. Yes he did.

    Saki July 5, 2020 8:28 pm

    Yup I agree with everyone’s reply :) Utou was reluctant to love another omega after his previous heartbreak and ended up sending so many mixed messages to Sumi. He probably also thought Sumi would be happier and safer with an alpha. And Sumi made the bad/rash decisions he did to stop the constant threat of rape and molestation. Sumi’s missteps were bigger but he not only had his heart on the line, but also his future mental and physical safety. I honestly think many people would rather enter a loveless/less passionate relationship with a (seemingly) sweet and caring person than face a future of endless potential rape and torment. I mean so many people around the world have entered loveless relationships for much less. Love is a luxury that not everyone can afford. They’ve both made mistakes due to their previous traumas but they are now both willing to move past them and fight for the relationship. It makes more sense to support the strength of their will to be together rather than continuing debating who doesn’t deserve who.

    Also wtf Sumi’s lifespan will be reduced after the surgery?? Is this in the raw? Can’t Sumi and Utou ever just have peaceful happiness without something ominous looming over their head? But I am going to flip if I see insensitive comments saying Sumi deserves an early grave or Utou deserves a partner with a longer lifespan lol. Hopefully Sumi’s lifespan won’t be shortened by too much and Utou and him can still enjoy a long and happy relationship together.