Ok people

IShouldProbBeDoingHw July 5, 2020 6:14 am

Lemme just get this out there, I support both Eugene and Johannes as possible suitors for Hari, but I feel the drive of the story would get distorted if she did try to be with her “brother” even if everybody knows they aren’t blood related. It’s like step siblings being together, it’s fine but frowned upon, I guess?.... honestly tho if she did want to be with Eugene I would still read this because it’s a good manga and if she went with Johannes I’d just have more reason to read cuz Johan is just my preference (︶︿︶)

    Ash July 5, 2020 11:54 am

    I dont think it's like that I whole heartily believe it's just brother, sister love like he just wants to see Hari happy not sad bc he realized he was a jerk

    IShouldProbBeDoingHw July 5, 2020 5:13 pm
    I dont think it's like that I whole heartily believe it's just brother, sister love like he just wants to see Hari happy not sad bc he realized he was a jerk Ash

    I mean I guess that's true its just that some people think its not brotherly love and I just wanted to i guess respond to them? But i still very much support Johannes as her maybe-suitor

    Ash July 6, 2020 11:43 am
    I mean I guess that's true its just that some people think its not brotherly love and I just wanted to i guess respond to them? But i still very much support Johannes as her maybe-suitor IShouldProbBeDoingHw

    Yeah and I respect that! It's just I personally dont think it is but I see where you are coming from

    Alice July 10, 2020 12:06 pm
    I dont think it's like that I whole heartily believe it's just brother, sister love like he just wants to see Hari happy not sad bc he realized he was a jerk Ash

    Have you seen the novel?(Spoiler ahead) I guess not lol They are canon. But seriously it was so subtly hinted from the beginning... Eugene was totally blushing around her and they both act like they have a crush (especially Eugene).