We Now Know about Female PHD Researchers

Comadrin July 5, 2020 3:29 am

My sister and her friends that I've known for over 40 years are really a parcel of bimbos. I have this story to thank for my epiphany. As soon as their theses are finished and into peer review, they rush off to work as waitresses so they can act as poor trash bimbos looking for rich men to be sex toys for. Good help them if they aren't conventional hotties (they probably would have failed their dissertations then). Oh yes, they also have to find some way to shave at least 100 points off their IQ's. Then they must get pregnant by these prognathous rich a**holes, be despised by their moron aristo families, so they can be kicked to the curb. How in the blazes did sis and my friends manage to hide all of this debauchery from my innocent eyes? Could it possibly be that:
1. Women who get STEM PHD's actually have the brains to use protection?
2. These women also have something to do between publications in academic journals other than be seduced by neanderthals in Brooks Brothers suits?
3. Ths was the most mind-bogglingly stupid premise ever fielded by Harlequin?
