being punished in some way. HOWEVER, people who ship the two shouldn’t be put down or harassed. i envy them for being able to separate reality and fiction. and even tho i hate him, seungho is OBVIOUSLY hot as fuck. no one can deny that. ALL THE POWER TO YOU regardless of which side of the spectrum you’re on. if someone attacks the creator’s drawing or story telling ability, then sure we can throw hands and shit. but scrolling through the comments and seeing ppl cussing each other out just isn’t fun. just drink some water please ;-;

The only thing I have to say is that Yoon Seungho has the right to redeem himself. Even in reality, once you have been sentenced and served your sentence, you are supposed to be reintegrated in society and not stigmatized by people.
Forgiveness plays an important part too. The painter is the one who has the right to decide what is going to happen. Baek Na-Kyum has already accepted Seungho as sex partner. So if Seungho loses his position, the painter will suffer with him. There is no doubt about it, his fate has already been sealed.

hmm, good point. i really hadn’t thought about that. i would actually really love to see a proper redemption arc for yoon seungho, and depending on how well it’s executed, i could even jump on board with the ship ;) it’s also something i haven’t seen in any of the yaoi i’ve read so i’d find the new concept really enjoyable. especially because seugnho is a hottie and i want na-kyum to be happy.

All those rich entitled assholes who abuse power and spend money without working, just drinking, smoking, fiucking all dauy: sorry, can't admire them. At least our cutie works and can really CARE.
But I like redemption arcs. It needs to be solid, though, otherwise it feels like villains getting away with stuff. There needs to be real atonement.

The nobles are portrayed as selfish, corrupted and superficial. They represent the decadence of the nobility... Seungho is different from them because he has self-awareness and shows more tolerance towards the commoners. First, he mocked the teacher for not teaching the low-born properly. His sarcasm revealed that he disagreed with Jung In-Hun's attitude. Secondly, he never called Baek Na-Kyum a vermin, a ill-bred curb or something similar. Seungho actually despises the nobility and doesn't see his former sex partners as friends. Joseon's kingdom was declining, hence the Chinese had power over Joseon.
guys, guys we’re all part of the same fandom. we all appreciate the gorgeous art style, character designs, and expressions. IT IS MY OPINION that na-kyum shouldn’t be shipped with seungho. rape is wrong now and it was then, even if it was a common thing in this time period. i view the story as a cautionary tale (much like i did with killing stalking) and hope it ends with seungho being punished in some way. HOWEVER, people who ship the two shouldn’t be put down or harassed. i envy them for being able to separate reality and fiction. and even tho i hate him, seungho is OBVIOUSLY hot as fuck. no one can deny that. ALL THE POWER TO YOU regardless of which side of the spectrum you’re on. if someone attacks the creator’s drawing or story telling ability, then sure we can throw hands and shit. but scrolling through the comments and seeing ppl cussing each other out just isn’t fun. just drink some water please ;-;