kim July 4, 2020 8:12 pm

They just created a system of haves & have nots. And instead of dueling they should've told Aoi the truth. That its their mother who's responsible for all of her moms pain & suffering that led to her death. The duel should've been with Aoi herself an not a political spectacle for big sis to become prime minister.

    trinityanne July 12, 2020 3:12 am

    no the SYSTEM that is in place is the problem her mother was ROBBED by the system due to them being FORCED to divide them into 2 distinct groups instead of a live and let each other love kind of move which is how we as a society would do if things took a turn like that TODAY seeing as how being gay or lesbian is now nothing more than a PART of who somebody is plain and simple and also remember the SYSTEM was put in place by WOMEN who still KNEW the touch of man before men died off so really that did not lie that just did not come right out and say as much and AOI herself KNEW about the betrayal which was her WHOLE PREMISE for coming to the KINGDOM school to begin with was so she could get REVENGE again a system that wronged her and her mother so no real lies at al because she knew from the word GO that they had fucked her mother over big time

    trinityanne July 12, 2020 3:18 am

    um the SISTER was already going to be the PM due to HEREDITY remember they live in society that political appointments are based on your BIRTH so much like a monarchy of the medieval times instead of a REPUBLIC or a democracy they have a society made up of birthright appointments which is FUCKED up so really the sister even though she is going to be the PM made that display of them dueling as a way of keeping them both in the school but also gave her SISTER and AOI the chance she herself could not afford to risk taking ie her GIRLFRIEND that snitched her little sister and AOI out in the cabin in the woods chapter where the 2 of them are found in the NUDE after having spent a not so restful night of getting their FREAK on lol

    kim July 14, 2020 2:45 pm
    no the SYSTEM that is in place is the problem her mother was ROBBED by the system due to them being FORCED to divide them into 2 distinct groups instead of a live and let each other love kind of move which is h... trinityanne

    Your wrong they did not create a free lesbian society instead they made 1/2 of the women dress and pretend tobe men. And the reason was cause the straight woman that made that law tried to keep things the same. But things weren't the same forcing girls to pretend isn't freedom,and her mom & her was caught in the middle between the privilege nobles & commoners like herself. Adams & Eves my ass they're all EVE'S! Adams dead be the beautiful girls you are love whoever you want.

    kim July 14, 2020 2:57 pm
    um the SISTER was already going to be the PM due to HEREDITY remember they live in society that political appointments are based on your BIRTH so much like a monarchy of the medieval times instead of a REPUBLIC... trinityanne

    YeP its a monarchy the straight woman that founded their society followed the blueprint they learned from mankind's history. They tried to keep some normalcy to their lives by making 1/2 of the woman act as men. But the new generation knows nothing of men so its time to stop pretending and create a real open & free Lesbian society where they can which ever girl they want.

    kim July 14, 2020 2:58 pm
    YeP its a monarchy the straight woman that founded their society followed the blueprint they learned from mankind's history. They tried to keep some normalcy to their lives by making 1/2 of the woman act as men... kim

    nyaha I left out LOVE.(▰˘◡˘▰)

    trinityanne July 15, 2020 12:21 pm
    nyaha I left out LOVE.(▰˘◡˘▰) kim

    no worries and i know what you mean and meant but sadly the HEREDITY rulers will not stand down easily and we both know that plain and simple facts but then again i also feel that the sisters and the MC should start their own version of a rebellion just as a great big FU to the powers that be but then again i just like a good fight

    Kim July 15, 2020 1:46 pm
    no worries and i know what you mean and meant but sadly the HEREDITY rulers will not stand down easily and we both know that plain and simple facts but then again i also feel that the sisters and the MC should ... trinityanne

    I feel you unless they change to a democratic system there wont be equal justice or freedom for all girls, no matter what there station in life is.