Someone explain to me pls

Bookworm July 4, 2020 1:18 pm

I’m confused. Maybe I’m just slow but I don’t get why everyone is treating McQueen like a bad guy. Why are they treating being in porn like the worst thing known to mankind? Treating it like such a shameful job is kind of insulting to those who do it. Plus, didn’t Ed make all of his own decisions? And that blonde dude with a kid, couldn’t he have easily said no to that movie? I’m asking bc I’m genuinely curious, McQueen didn’t force either of them and gave them an option. Rather, they’re the ones who reached out to McQueen first out of their own free will. ALSO, why does McQueen have to quit anything doing with porn? It’s seriously rude to look down on jobs like that. Especially if they watch and enjoy porn themselves!

“You can’t demand a service while simultaneously degrading it”

    Chara July 4, 2020 1:24 pm

    I kind of agree with what you say. I guess it's because this webtoon is made in Korea? That's why their viewpoint towards porn is different? Honestly if I meet someone that once star in porn I wouldn't look at them any differently. Filming porn or acting in one is just another job like any other.

    I dont really get why McQueen have to be hated this much.

    blatantescapist July 4, 2020 1:27 pm

    I wonder about that too tbh. :v

    greytanuki July 4, 2020 1:37 pm

    Yeah, this kinda bothered me too. And in his sets there was a good work environment and care about the actors well being in general, so... I guess it's just prejudice. The workplace was better than some crappy non porn jobs I worked at.

    OmegaChan July 4, 2020 1:43 pm

    thanks for finally saying that out loud that's what've been bothering me since the whole scandal broke out and all. And also what Glenn said in the last chapter just now : "Nobody is on my side". He so does not deserve everyone treating him and his business like shit. Why can't he do porn and also do other movies it just shows that he is good in what he does and can do multiple things but once the world knows u shoot pro your the bad guy tho many of them probably watched exactly the movies he made and now they talk dirty and look down on him. he so does not deserve all this

    Bookworm July 4, 2020 2:37 pm

    Yess!! Ok thank you guys for agreeing with me. So I wasn’t confused and misunderstanding something. In that case I’m really not okay with how this turned out.