
fudanshi July 3, 2020 10:18 pm

I didn't read it but kudos to this person, living proof that you don't need to be a good artist to be a mangaka, or manwhaka or whatever the term is for a manwhua mangaka

    ooxiuv July 3, 2020 10:30 pm

    I think it’s just their art style to be honest. It’s nice.

    Vampire Queen July 4, 2020 8:13 am

    Kind of true because a lot of people (myself included) focus more on the story (plot) and a good or likeable art style is just secondary. Take Hide Yoshiko and Hideyoshico sensei, they can never draw propper noses on their characters yet their stories are so good you won't even mind

    faded July 4, 2020 1:14 pm

    if u dont like the style that's fine, but they are a good artist by definition. their artwork is nice and clean and accurate.

    Wisteria_San July 4, 2020 5:16 pm

    I mean really the art is good, its just realitivley unique and very stylized. The artists still gets proportions realitivley acurate, its just different ^ ^