Looking for the name of a manga

Rem July 3, 2020 8:25 pm

A long time ago I read a manga (I think it was a one-shot) about 2 boys. Boy1 (B1) fell in love with his friend (B2) who was also his classmate, but kept that love in secret. The truth was that B2 also loved B1 so in a school trip, he planned to confess to him in the beach. In order to gather the courage to do so, he drank a lot of beer and ended votiming. That's when a female classmate of his comes and confesses to him. So in the end, B2 and the girl started dating and he ended up falling in love with her. Years later B1 and B2 meet again, and B2 was still dating the girl and told B1 they were planning to marry.
Does someone know this manga too? I've been trying to look for it but still haven't found it.
