You are being too hard on Suha. He went without the Dir to help the other secretary to save face in the company and to avoid sparks between redhead/dir bro and the director. The president looks down on him enough as it is...It was not 'dense' thinking.
He had no way of knowing that redhead and spoiled hotel owner teamed up again until the elevator door opened....
And yeah, you're victim blaming/shaming
I hope that this abuse is essential to the plot and not a thrown in trope. Something has to happen to trigger Suha into wanting a relationship and maybe part of that is coming to terms with his past and these two sadistic freak entitled rich boys

Are you serious? Hes literally in the elevator saying he hopes the redhead does nothing to the secretary. Suha has been sexually abused before by this guy, he knows exactly what he can potentially walk into. He knew the situation could possibly be ugly and he still went alone. That's not density, that's stupidity but I was being nice. He is an actual working adult now, but if he was still in school with these jerks and got tricked, I would understand, but that isnt the case here. Also, victim shaming is saying that Suha being sexually assaulted by those two assholes is Suhas fault and thats not what I said. I said he should have been smarter. How does the director look down on Suha? He doesn't! He takes care of him and helps him, but Suha doesn't see it as caring because hes used to being treated as a sex toy by others. The director and Suha need to talk about their feelings openly, then and only then, will Suha understand why the director treats him the way he does.

Actually when he 1st saw the text he was going to ignore it..he changed his mind thinking dude might be unprofessional and rape the kid so then he thought nah I better go. In the elevator he was like, I'm just gonna walk in, get the kid and get out. He wasn't scared imho, he was annoyed that he'd have to interact with that douche.
I get the sense that the abuse happened during high school but they are all adults now, no reason to think he was going to be attacked, right? And again he didn't know he was gonna be ambushed by TWO assholes
You are saying he is dense/stupid for going alone, right? Because you know what is gonna happen. That is what we call making a judgment and it goes hand in hand with victim blaming.ijs

He is dense for not being more aware. Suha has even had questionable things happen to him as an adult. People baby him because that's what he acts like. Listen, if anybody sexually assaulted me in the past and acted smug to my face like nothing happened, I would always be cautious around them. Thats a normal thought process. That's my point here. Redhead has said a couple snide things to Suha before this meet up so Suha knows hes not shit, and knowing that, he still makes the choice to not ask for help.So no, I'm not victim shaming at all and I'm not feeling this way because I knew what was going to happen, I feel the way I do because it's common sense.

I think what he/she meant with director was the old woman, the REAL director. As you can see she hates director park so suha wanted to avoid trouble so he went alone. We know that suha is a person who wants to avoid hurting and involving others so he shoulders the burden alone. And it‘s clearly not atupid of him for going alone, sure he maybe made the wrong decision but from his perspective he just didn‘t want to make things harder for director park (things between dircetor park and the woman director and the asshole red hair guy)...a weing decision doesn‘t mean someones stupid!

I absolutely get what you are saying but you are still victim blaming Suha because you are making a straight judgment without giving him any benefit of the doubt. You're throwing out words like dense, stupidity, should have.....as I said making judgments.
This adult Suha is a competent professional, independent and privately saucey guy who loves sex and is confident, he's not that weak high school kid crushin on the redhead but he may have to come to terms with how much he has grown. I can't read the raws but I think he does what he does to protect the kid ( like take me instead bc you can't hurt me anymore) and I don't think he'll cry and feel self pity later.

So, it seems we are going to have to agree to disagree about Suha at this point because we can't see eye to eye, and there nothing wrong with having opposing viewpoints. I will say that he doesnt fight the two assholes back because they threatened to wake up the drunk kid and make him watch, so in a sense, Suha was protecting him. I feel like, personally, I cant really compare now Suha to the past one because I dont have enough info. The flashbacks are shown in bits and pieces. So I'll reevaluate my opinion on him once we get the full story. All we can do now is sit back and wait for his boyfriend to come in and start throwing hands in his stead. I hope you're in the comments next week too so we can discuss the next episode. I enjoyed hearing your take on things.

Alright, I get what you guys are saying about Granny President and I also get Suha's line of thinking, believe me, but that doesn't mean the choice he made was right. He was trying not cause anymore waves for Director Park but it backfired. Now the director is sitting there looking at a pic of some other man's dick in Suha's mouth and he has to go there to rescue him and fight the other guys anyway...I don't think either of us is wrong, we just both would have handled the situation differently than one another and that's ok

i somewhat understand what you're trying to say however, you are victim shaming. suha is very strong, he made the choice to face someone form his past that clearly scared him to help someone else. suha left in a hurry, he was clearly in shock and scared what happened to him would happen to that other secretary. what he did wasn't stupid it was selfless, he chose not to involve jiwoon to avoid causing problems within the business because of his past. it's obvious he didn't want his boss finding out about his past relationship with that red-headed guy and that's also most likely why he avoided telling him. on top of that, he didn't plan on seeing two shitty excuses for men to be in that room. you blame him for making a choice to save someone and not cause problems within that family. if you haven't experienced sexual assault or you are incapable of properly sympathize with victims than its best not to comment such petty words :)

Incapable of sympathizing with victims? I'm a social worker who has had to remove beaten, starved and neglected children from households and we weren't able to save them all. I'm one of the strongest types of people there are. If you cant control your thoughts to separate reality from fiction or keep to the theme of the story without trying to get personal, its best not to comment. Also if you read all the comments before this, which you should have for context, you would know that youre beating a dead horse. I said what I said and your irrelevant comment changes nothing. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
This next chapter made me mad because, well, no one likes sexual assault, especially on the already weak. No, I'm not victim shaming but Suha was stupid for going alone. He had the director already with him so he should have asked for help. I like Suha so I hate that the author makes him so weak and dense.